<kxxt[m]> Following https://github.com/ungeskriptet/linux/commit/bf1abb29c626b5a1cd6e4b75e05d146a24bc7c25 , I successfully booted lmi into initramfs. But it can't mount rootfs because the partition could not be found. I checked /dev/block and indeed there's only some loop devices. Am I missing something here?
<kxxt[m]> ~ # ls /dev/block/
<kxxt[m]> 7:0 7:1 7:2 7:3 7:4 7:5 7:6 7:7
<kxxt[m]> <kxxt[m]> "Following https://github.com/..."; <- > <@kxxt:matrix.org> Following https://github.com/ungeskriptet/linux/commit/bf1abb29c626b5a1cd6e4b75e05d146a24bc7c25 , I successfully booted lmi into initramfs. But it can't mount rootfs because the partition could not be found. I checked /dev/block and indeed there's only some loop... (full message at <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/AQcMbMYKKeqRWwzSTgqPShTO>)