ChanServ changed the topic of #sm8250-mainline to: Mainline Linux for Qualcomm Snapdragon 865/865+/870 (SM8250) | Bridged to #sm8250-mainline on
chenxuecong[m] has joined #sm8250-mainline
<chenxuecong[m]> me
<kssss[m]> <chenxuecong[m]> "" <- Oh! 13 hours ago! hah. I will try to get it booting
<kssss[m]> * it booting, thanks!
<kssss[m]> <chenxuecong[m]> "" <- Tried the dts without firmware, using your defconfig too, but still doesn't load :( were you on hyperos when you started porting? i saw on xda that it messes with partitions, or something.
<ungeskriptet[m]> <kssss[m]> "Tried the dts without firmware..." <- Is CONFIG_FB_SIMPLE enabled?
Luffitys[m] has joined #sm8250-mainline
<Luffitys[m]> Btw is this the latest revision of sm8250 fragment? Or is there something newer. I managed to get up to 1.2s of dmesg and it aborts due to missing selinux. Which is expected since I try to boot android
<Luffitys[m]> Although I did try to set selinux configs but for some reason it doesn't want to build it or something idk
<ungeskriptet[m]> Luffitys[m]: Should be the latest yeah
<ungeskriptet[m]> Are you booting Android with mainline?
<Luffitys[m]> Yeah latest torvalds
<ungeskriptet[m]> Yeah idk about booting Android with mainline
<ungeskriptet[m]> Make sure you have all Android related configs enabled
<Luffitys[m]> Could try to check Google mainline instead
<kssss[m]> <ungeskriptet[m]> "Is CONFIG_FB_SIMPLE enabled?" <- CONFIG_SYSFB_SIMPLEFB=y
<kssss[m]> Not sure whats the diffrence, i should've checked the defconfig before blindly using it 😅
<kssss[m]> > <> Is CONFIG_FB_SIMPLE enabled?
<kssss[m]> * CONFIG\_SYSFB\_SIMPLEFB=y
<kssss[m]> Not sure whats the diffrence, i should've checked the defconfig before blindly using it in the first place😅
<ungeskriptet> No that config won't work
<ungeskriptet> It has to be CONFIG_FB_SIMPLE=y or CONFIG_DRM_SIMPLEDRM=y
<kssss[m]> unfortunately CONFIG_FB_SIMPLE=y produced the same results. hm.
<chenxuecong[m]> you
<chenxuecong[m]> you need to erase dtbo first
<chenxuecong[m]> compile the kernel using alioth_defconfig
<chenxuecong[m]> and then run this script to get a bootable image
<kssss[m]> it worked... wow.! maybe my deviceinfo had incorrect offsets.
<kssss[m]> now it shows framebuffer and doesn't reboot, but still gets stuck, now compilng kernel with alioth_defconfig, but it will take a while hah
<kssss[m]> so strange, mkbootimage works, but using pmbootstrap flasher with the same offsets in deviceinfo doesn't.. weird
<ungeskriptet[m]> <chenxuecong[m]> "Screenshot_2024-07-24-00-52-42-9..." <- fwlink_devlink=permissive could cause issues so I would recommend to remove it
<kssss[m]> * so strange, mkbootimage works, but using pmbootstrap flasher with the same offsets in deviceinfo doesn't.. weird
<kssss[m]> edit: nope, im stupid! accidently was using elish pmaport and kept wondering why nothing is changing 🤦
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