- GNOME Shell's getting stuck relatively often (~1/hr), sometimes manages to get unstuck
- volume is sometimes stuck at 100%, though I can't reproduce now (maybe some upgrade helped?)
I don't see many issues with gnome shell but I do have an idea what we might need to fix for the volume issue
It seems to happen when there's significant window movement going on
(the Shell getting stuck bit)
Like now… tried to launch an app from the activity view, which meant the expose effect kicking in and then new app window showing mid-animation when windows were going back to their original locations
It did manage to get unstuck after 10+ seconds
hmm... I think I might actually have activated a gnome setting where there's fewer animations
what I saw before is the browser window getting stuck in a weird state when I have a split-screen
Aand now volume is stuck at 100%… it was "MacBook Air J313 Speakers" or so - now it's just "Speakers"
that sounds like the driver or speakersafetyd just crashed?
anything interesting in dmesg?
also apt list --installed | grep asahi and apt list --installed | grep speakersafety would be interesting