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<MasterDuke> tobhe[m]: exciting about the widevine work, any reason it's limited to the snap version of firefox? i use the repo version, could i modify the script to get it working for my ff?
<tobhe[m]> oh you can just use the one i forked from
<tobhe[m]> just forked it to make snaps work too, it should work with the archive version as is
<MasterDuke> oh, nice. will give that a try
<MasterDuke> doh, i see i already did, but no dice
<MasterDuke> or, i don't know what i'm talking about and now netflix does work...
<MasterDuke> huh. it definitely didn't immediately after i first tried, but i'm just happy it does now
<tobhe[m]> seems to be a good way to test it
<tobhe[m]> if it says using widevine it's good
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<john-cabaj[m]> m1n1 update broke upstream, so we should make sure to not take that one.
<tobhe[m]> yeah, fixed in debian and not in ubuntu i think
<tobhe[m]> did that today
<john-cabaj[m]> Figured you were on top of it. Just wanted to make sure if someone was only in this chat they’d know.
<tobhe[m]> we are still on 1.4.17
<tobhe[m]> I appreciate the ping :) almost missed it because i'm traveling
<tobhe[m]> currently in brussels for fosdem
<nukelet> enjoy the conference!
<tobhe[m]> thx!