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<zamundaaa[m]> What are the specifics for the "max bpc" drm property?
<zamundaaa[m]> I know what it does in principle. I'm more interested in what it's actually useful for (power savings?) and whether or not it could degrade the image if set to what I render with
<pq> I'm setting it, because I've seen it being 8 for whatever reason, and I want to go up to max possible instead.
<emersion> there was a discussion about adding more props to have more control
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<emersion> current bpc, desired bpc…
<pq> yeah, "max bpc" doesn't really guarantee much on its own
<pq> zamundaaa[m], I'm not sure... power saving and link stability under borderline conditions I guess
<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: with max bpc > 8, you might not be able to light up as many CRTCs, or high resolutions
<emersion> well
<pq> emersion, really? why?
<emersion> it's max, so i'm probably wrong
<pq> emersion, I would not think the bpc on the wire would have any effect on e.g. memory bandwidth requirements, if that's what you're thinking.
<emersion> pq, DP-MST
<pq> ooh, MST
<pq> yeah, that could be a thing
<emersion> also i guess bad cables in general
<zamundaaa[m]> As it's a maximum I would hope that the drivers manage that stuff on their own
<pq> right, link stability - link negotiattion should work what out, but I guess it could be too optimistic sometimes
<zamundaaa[m]> At least on my AMD hw it seems to be set to 16 by default. If that would cause problems that would be a pretty bad default
<pq> drivers/hardware should indeed
<pq> zamundaaa[m], don't forget that other KMS clients (display servers) could set their own values if you happen to switch, so you may not always be getting the driver default.
<zamundaaa[m]> If they don't adjust automatically that's one more variable to the already near infinite mess of combinations to test with outputs :/
<pq> they do adjust automatically
<zamundaaa[m]> Okay then the old question left is: if I set it to exactly what my buffers are rendered with, can that cause the image to degrade?
<pq> but when you want to display HDR, you do want to know what they actually adjusted to, to know if HDR is reasonable - this UAPI we do not have yet
<zamundaaa[m]> In other words, if the cable/panel/whatever only supports discrete steps like 6 and 10bpc, and I set it to 8, would it go down to 6? Or is that just a hypothetical I don't have to care about
<pq> zamundaaa[m], I guess that depends on how you use the KMS color pipeline.
<pq> yes, it would go down to 6 - but I don't recall < 8 being an option in the specs...
<emersion> it is an option, at least on some drivers
<pq> okay
<emersion> but yeah i'd expect 8 to always be an option and the default
<emersion> s/default/baseline/
<pq> emersion, so the "specification" on that web page is the union over all report driver ranges?
<emersion> yes
<pq> *reported
<emersion> this should be made clearer
<emersion> also this page should link to devices supporting the prop
<pq> nice - too bad I can't click forward to the individual reports
<emersion> yeah…
<pq> :-)
<MrCooper> zamundaaa[m]: bpc on the wire isn't directly related to bpc of the source framebuffer format
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<pq> ...but I do wonder if drivers use the source FB format as a hint in choosing the bpc on the wire...
<pq> like, no CSC, no LUTs, FB is 8 bit → don't bother with more than 8 bpc on the wire?
<MrCooper> doubtful, the output of LUTs has >= 10 bpc on non-ancient GPUs
<emersion> maybe your fancy monitor can say?
<pq> my fancy monitor says "this is not HDR" and I'm not sure why :-p
<MrCooper> I'll try to remember checking next time I'm in front of that
<pq> in one specific HDR mode that it claims to support and I try to use - another HDR mode works
<pq> I'm just wildly guessing that the monitor could do similar inference: you have 8 bpc signal, and you tell me it's HDR? ha ha ha, funny. No way.
<pq> sure, it doesn't make much sense, but I wanted to see what it looks like :-)
<zamundaaa[m]> The context of my question is that I wanna bump KWin to 10bpc (by default), with dmabuf feedback suggesting to clients that they should use it, too.
<zamundaaa[m]> The implementation is done, the only thing left is what to do with the max bpc property
<pq> in that case I'd recommend setting it to at least 10
<emersion> so you put 10bpc in a separate tranche?
<zamundaaa[m]> Yes
<emersion> not sure it's a good default
<pq> in Weston, when I want maximum quality, I just bump it to the maximum allowed by the driver.
<MrCooper> is there any reason for lower "max bpc" other than avoiding wire bandwidth limits?
<pq> I don't know what bad could come from this, but if there is something, I guess I'll learn in a year or two :-)
<zamundaaa[m]> emersion: I'm not sure about that either yet but there's still about 1-2 months of testing in git master, plenty of time to change it back
<emersion> MrCooper: power consumption maybe? i'm not sure
<MrCooper> e.g. if the wire link doesn't have enough bandwidth for the monitor's maximum resolution at full bpc
<emersion> zamundaaa[m]: interested in any feedback you have after you get more field testing :)
<pq> MrCooper, that's an interesting question, which one has priority: max negotiated wire bpc, or enabling the requested mode even if it means lowering wire bpc?
<MrCooper> pretty sure making it dependent on framebuffer format bpc makes little sense
<pq> I think that just depends on what you do in the KMS color pipeline.
<pq> If the pipeline is all pass-through, *and* the wire is in full range RGB mode, then the FB pixels go out as-is... don't they?
<MrCooper> ok, makes little sense for anything but pass-through
<pq> zamundaaa[m], so it depends ^ :-)
<pq> if you program a gamma LUT, then you already deviate from FB format, or if you use limited range, or if you use YUV signal (not FB)
<MrCooper> and I'd expect pass-through to be rare, normally there's at least a monitor profile being applied, not to mention things like Night Light
<pq> Night Light maybe, but a profile or a non-identity calibration might be rare... but then those people who actually have them, do really care about precision, so.
<pq> IOW, I don't know why one would not bump "max bpc" just to the maximum allowed by a driver.
<MrCooper> GNOME seems to apply a monitor profile based on EDID by default
<pq> also ignore what kind of FB you have
<zamundaaa[m]> pq: KWin always applies a LUT, even if its internal calculations result in passthrough
<zamundaaa[m]> So there's that
<pq> MrCooper, are you sure it's a profile and not VCGT?
<pq> zamundaaa[m], btw. using an identity LUT vs. setting no LUT might lead to different driver behavior. >_<
<jadahl> MrCooper: "apply" is a bit much of a word for what it does. on X11 it sets the profile name as an atom on the root window
<pq> so I've been told, I haven't tested it myself
<jadahl> if there is a VCGT it uses it set the gamma though
<jadahl> if there is no VCGT, the profile doesn't affect gamma
<pq> Right, VCGT is said to be calibration, and it is included in ICC files only as a convenience, because the ICC file is not valid if the VCGT is not applied. Usually VCGT is applied by loading it into a gamma LUT.
<MrCooper> the profile for this HP E242 says "Display Correction: No", I guess that means no gamma LUT then
<pq> perhaps, I'm not sure what "display correction" means there
<pq> FYI, an ICC file is invalid also if you change your monitor settings away from what that profile was created with.
<pq> I mean the in-monitor knobs you fiddle with via OSD.
<jadahl> MrCooper: you get a VCGT by profiling the monitor with a colorimeter
<jadahl> sprofiling/calibrating/
<jadahl> s/
<MrCooper> I see
<pq> jadahl, maybe... one can also come up with a VCGT by just eye-balling. Creating a profile OTOH needs a colorimeter mostly.
<jadahl> sure, the colorimeter used can be ones eye balls :P
<pq> weeelll... the colorimeter doesn't know what you think looks right. :-)
<pq> everything depends on what you are going to use the display for
<wlb> weston Merge request !745 opened by () clients/meson:build: Conditionally build dmabuf-feedback client
<pq> In the end, the goal is to make the picture good for what you want to use it for. It's human eyes that look at it.
<pq> If your goal is to preview prints, then you want the picture to match what a print would look like. That's totally different from wanting to be entertained with impressive visuals.
<zubzub> but what if you, a human, identify as a printer? <o>
<pq> then you use print profile, d'uh!
<zubzub> ah ofcourse _o>
<SardemFF7> careful with that kind of joke
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<kennylevinsen> I don't think we offended any printers with it. They're too busy with paper jams and driver issues to notice.
<SardemFF7> please, really, don’t…
<pq> These are weird jokes, but what is offending about them?
<daniels> one reason is 'but what if you identify as $contrivedthing?' is often used to ridicule the concept of identifying as anything other than your birth sex/gender and marginalise people who do otherwise
<pq> Thanks. I just read it as "what if you're a printer?".
<SardemFF7> thanks daniels (I really need to work on this kind of FAQ material ^^)
<pq> takes some really elaborate thinking to realize that connection
<SardemFF7> or just not being cis :-)
<pq> sure
<SardemFF7> btw, guess it’s as good a time as any: hi there, I’m Morgane :-)
<pq> hi, and that totally makes the line I was going to say next completely inappropriate. >_<
<jadahl> it's a variant of the "i identify as a attack helicopter" meme that mocks non-cis identification
<daniels> SardemFF7: o/
<pq> I don't know memes. I also try to not know anything personal about anyone, and expect the same in return.
<jadahl> pq: something something surströmming
<jadahl> SardemFF7: hi morgane!
<SardemFF7> FTR, I’m still learning myself which jokes or behaviour to avoid, and I know it’s hard to see it by yourself, so let’s just all learn together shall we? :-)
<daniels> if we were all perfect at stuff then wl_buffer wouldn't be stuck at v1 would it
<SardemFF7> that’s a deep one, I’m sad only people in here can understand it, I would have shared it
<psykose> if we were all perfect wl_buffer would never need to leave v1
<pq> well said
<daniels> psykose: touché
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !131 opened by () ext-lock-v1: new protocol
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<wlb> weston Issue #572 opened by () "require-input" config parameter ignored when using backend-drm
<wlb> wayland Issue #262 opened by () WL_SHM_ERROR_INVALID_FD "error accessing SHM buffer" after wl_shm_pool.resize()
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<wlb> wayland Issue #262 closed \o/ (WL_SHM_ERROR_INVALID_FD "error accessing SHM buffer" after wl_shm_pool.resize()
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<cphealy> With the wayland protocol, is there a way to communicate the color encoding and color range of a YUV buffer? YUV buffers can be BT.601, BT.709, BT.2020, and probably other color encodings, each with somewhat different requirements for conversion to RGB.
<cphealy> jadahl: thank you. Now I can stop looking... ;-)
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !196 opened by () protocol: clarify wl_shm_pool.resize
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<caveman> is there any python bindings available already to allow the creation of a sway-like window manager, but using python? then use some pythong modules to do the calls to c functions to do the expensive parts?
<emersion> i wouldn't recommend writing a compositor in python
<caveman> why?
<emersion> it's way too slow
<emersion> would be fine for the WM stuff, but not for anything else
<caveman> i'm wondering if it's possible to do the expensive parts in c libraries using some python calls, and then do only the human intetraction part in python, such as scaling windows, etc.
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<psykose> qtile is one example
<caveman> psykose: neat.
<caveman> thanks
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<kennylevinsen> caveman: could also take a look at river, it's designed to have window management controlled entirely over IPC
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<caveman> thanks
<caveman> kennylevinsen: neat.
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