ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<DemiMarie> kennylevinsen: Will bind always be the only user?
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !334 opened by Jonas Ådahl (jadahl) build: Bump version to 1.37
<wlb> wayland-protocols/main: Jonas Ådahl * build: Bump version to 1.37
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !334 merged \o/ (build: Bump version to 1.37
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<jadahl> seems there is some issue with `glab release create`. it uploaded tarballs and made the release, but the links are dead. I suspect some deploy thing are taking longer than usual?
<jadahl> daniels: any idea?
<daniels> you need to upgrade glab
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<jadahl> daniels: thats unfortunate. I guess I'll have to remove the old gitlab release then
<jadahl> and the fix isn't even in a release..
<daniels> yeah, it’s not great is it :\
<jadahl> recreated it anyway, thanks for the hint
<daniels> iirc in the meantime you should be able to just patch the URLs for existing uploads to the new schema by hand
<jadahl> and now I have a ~/go directory polluting my ~ :|
<daniels> emersion: ^ fyi also
<daniels> jadahl: export GOPATH=…
<jadahl> daniels: hindsight...
<daniels> jadahl: it’s all static linking so you can rm -rf
<daniels> (well, I mean, copy the binary out first)
<emersion> yeah I hit that too
<wlb> Merge request !88 opened by Jonas Ådahl (jadahl) releases: Add wayland-protocols 1.37
<wlb> Jonas Ådahl * releases: Add wayland-protocols 1.37 releases.html
<wlb> Merge request !88 merged \o/ (releases: Add wayland-protocols 1.37
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