ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #215 opened by () ext-foriegn-toplevel-list-v1: add toplevel index/ordering
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<wlb> wayland Issue #501 opened by () bug when shortcuts are registered before release (alt+shift)
<wlb> wayland Issue #501 closed \o/ (bug when shortcuts are registered before release (alt+shift)
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<Guest4985> hey everyone
<Guest4985> I'm on EndeavourOS with KDE Plasma 6.1.5
<Guest4985> when I use 3-finger gestures to move between desktops it's ok, but when I try to view all the desktops with 4-finger swipe it doesn't react fast enough, so after a 3-finger swipe I have to wait a bit
<Guest4985> journalctl game me this:Sep 30 12:48:49 eos kwin_wayland_wrapper[52031]: Key repeat discarded, Wayland compositor doesn't seem to be processing events fast enough!
<Guest4985> Is there a way to make Wayland process this gesture faster?
<kennylevinsen> Guest4985: you are not "running wayland", you are running KDE/Kwin - this would be a question for a KDE forum
<kennylevinsen> wayland is just a set of protocols (think HTTP), and this channel is for their development and their use
<Guest4985> kennylevinsen: oh sorry, i was a bit suspicious it might be wrong channel but still had no idea where to go. The only name that was known to me from this output was Wayland lol
<Guest4985> I'll post to kde channel, thank you
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<ramblurr> fwiw, "kwin" in that output refers to kwin, the KDE component that is the wayland compositor (i.e., the process that does all the wayland stuff written by the kde folks)
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<ericonr> Hey folks :) I was looking at meson's Wayland module, and it didn't work for the case of implementations vendoring protocols
<ericonr> I'm trying to implement that in
<ericonr> But unsure about the best interface for it
<ericonr> Could anyone interested take a look? :)
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<kennylevinsen> ericonr: is it correctly understood that this vendor feature requires the file to be in the same folder as the vendored protocols?
<kennylevinsen> not a big deal, just making sure I understood the search path correctly
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<mclasen> ericonr: here is what gtk does for vendored protocols:
<ericonr> kennylevinsen: as mentioned in the PR description, yes, but I don't love it
<ericonr> I very much lack understanding of meson internals, so the implementation itself was me shooting stuff at the wall
<ericonr> mclasen: oh lol
<ericonr> So simply skipping find_protocols works
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<ericonr> I guess a much simpler PR would be updating the docs
<ericonr> Would you agree?
<ericonr> Thank you for the reference there!
<psykose> haha
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<emersion> tbh i feel like manually calling wayland-scanner is simpler
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<wlb> weston Issue #957 closed \o/ (May I ask how to retrieve Weston cursor image data from dmabuf?
<ericonr> emersion: any reason in particular?
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<emersion> doesn't require a particular meson version, isn't unstable, isn't complicated, isn't much more lines of code, clearer what it does under the hood
* emersion shrug
<emersion> in general not a fan of having to add code in build systems for a particular tool
<emersion> but ymmv
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<soreau> I like being able to see what the code is doing too but if the path works well and is simpler to use, people might start using it
<soreau> at least they're making an effort to house common code
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<psykose> it's nice seeing what it's doing until you see the exact same thing copied into hundreds of projects :D
<psykose> i guess that's why the gnome module exists
<psykose> and why some people like cmake, since there's external scripts of varying quality you can copy around instead of needing the main build system to add support for $tool
<soreau> cmake's problem is two fold as I see it - 1) if you don't call the correct functions to create a lib it can't be found in nonstandard path 2) s/pkg-config//
<soreau> last time trying to build vulkan into nonstandard prefix was a figt
<soreau> fight*
<soreau> I figure the people that still use cmake haven't bothered to give meson a look
<psykose> a lot of that is mostly due to the combination of 'external .cmake scripts are supported' and its' age paired with the big 3.x reimagining of how you're meant to write cmake
<psykose> so after all this time there are 50 ways to do something, and various things all over the place
<psykose> a centralised implementation is much less likely to fall into that
<Ermine> if you're using qt you're bound to cmake...
<psykose> not really, meson has the qt6 module
<psykose> but it's missing some small things for now that will get added eventually
<Ermine> iirc it's missing some parts
<psykose> qml_module is the biggest one
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1619 opened by () desktop-shell: Don't attempt to re-add the view to panel layer
<ericonr> emersion: yeah, my point is basically psykose's hehe. I don't like to see repeated snippets all over the place
<ericonr> And if I understood it correctly, I think meson likes that people have to go through upstream for new modules, it avoids fragmentation and the implementations can be much better
<ericonr> also, fwiw, doing it the way home does it would only mean a requirement of 0.62.0
<ericonr> s/home/gnome/
<jadahl> ericonr: FWIW, I've avoided it so far due to it being marked as experimental
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<jadahl> trying to minimize frustration dealing with stable branches, and using experimental features isn't helping with that
<psykose> rust was unexperimentaled after mesa started making use of it iirc
<psykose> i think if there's nothing to breaking-change on the interface it could just be promoted
<ericonr> jadahl: it's been experimental for a long while now, every distro has it at this point
<jadahl> maybe time to change that?
<emersion> oh, that
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1620 opened by () libweston: Move weston_get_backend_type after enum declaration
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<karenw> Hi, trying to write a simple wayland-egl app. eglMakeCurrent returns EGL_SUCCESS, but I'm not seeing anything on screen other than a tray icon. WAYLAND_DEBUG is showing no wl_buffer ever got attached. I assume I missed a step somewhere?
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<soreau> karenw: you might review what happens in weston-simple-egl.c
<soreau> it might be that you need to make a call to set toplevel
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<karenw> soreau: Wow. 1) Why did that never come up in my googling for wayland egl examples. 2) Immediately spotted the problem when I looked at eglSwapBuffers in that file. I was passing the wl_surface not the wl_egl_surface.... I has the dumb.
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<soreau> weston clients hide in plain sight ;)
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #216 opened by () Control keyboard LEDs from a background process
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