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<Soroush> zmike: I think your MR !15906 is introducing a bug in KHR-GL33.shaders.uniform_block.random.all_per_block_buffers.3
<Soroush> The spirv zink produces for it sets the ubo array size to 92 ints, but it is accessing indices outside of that like 112.
<Soroush> I see from the nir dump that the remove_bo_access pass is incorrectly sizing that ubo.
<zmike> Soroush: what platform are you observing this on?
<Soroush> It's on a powervr platform. The uniforms in general are aggressively optimised, so any out of bound accesses for ubo show up.
<zmike> ah I see
<zmike> can you file a ticket so I don't lose track of this?
<zmike> will try to look into it in the next day or two
<zmike> kusma: any chance you have an idea what's going on with gallium hud?
<kusma> zmike: I can take a look on Monday. I'm off on the cabin right now.
<zmike> oh cool
<zmike> enjoy it
<zmike> Soroush: also while I think of it does this platform have ShaderInt64?
<kusma> But I'm off again for a couple of weeks from Tuesday, so if I don't figure it out in time... Well, I won't manage I guess
<zmike> eh, not like it's a super urgent issue
<Soroush> zmike: sure, I'll file a ticket. thanks
<zmike> just thought you'd have an idea since you've worked on hud
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<zmike> Soroush: reasonably sure should take care of it
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