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<zmike> anholt_: is there any kind of plan underway to do that libX11 upgrade?
<zmike> I just got a flake from the a630 traces job because of it
<zmike> I imagine there will be more to come
<anholt_> I won't get around to it for a couple days, I think. should probably turn off tu-zink for now.
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<ajax> zmike: i guess? makes sense to not account for the copy ctx since it just means your ctx refcount incs by two, but i don't totallt get how that makes a perf problem
<ajax> yeah, that could do it
<ajax> this drawable refcunt rabbit hole is deep
<zmike> it really is
<zmike> I had to call a chopper to airlift me out when I fell in a short ways
<zmike> then I got stuck in llvmpipe clipping, which is worse
<ajax> feeling like i need to write some better doc about the glx code so future travelers don't get lost
<ajax> also regretting accepting any fixes for viewperf here...
<zmike> maybe just write better code so it's not so easy to get lost 🤔
* zmike struggles with this daily
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