ChanServ changed the topic of #zink to: official development channel for the mesa3d zink driver ||
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> thanks for tackling this
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Care to review the piglit while you're at it? I need to go file bugs against a bunch of drivers. 😈
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> yeah ok
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> oh but it's still draft
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> my tab is just old
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> I think I'm going to make it a little more evil tomorrow.
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Before I file my mega-bug
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> And make it support ES.
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> sounds good, keep me posted
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<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> @eric_engestrom How do piglit updates happen in CI? If I land my piglit test that wreaks havoc on drivers is that going to blow up CI? If so how do I avoid doing that?
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> they're automated now
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> so you land your piglit tests and there will be a MR (possibly even this one still) where everyone sees the results
<fdobridge> <g​fxstrand> Okay, cool. So it won't suddenly break the world and get people yelling at me. 🙂
<fdobridge> <z​mike.> only if you're really good
<fdobridge> <e​ric_engestrom> Yep, exactly 🙂