ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<cy8aer> I am just trying to fresh install an mbp14 with my own debian crypto documentation ( and additional tuning it to be better working. I had many issues I did not have with the first machine. Because some are very remarkable I will post them into this channel. Actual I am not able to install Grub that way that it does not come into a boot loop. Because I use exactly the same grub on the first machine this...
<cy8aer> ... is very unpleasant.
<cy8aer> What I first found out: If you are in a home networking environment with cascaded routers you may not be able to download from Apple CDNs. The Asahi installer ends up in downloading errors. This is the same with the macOS-Downloads and needs further investigations on my side.
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<opticron> cy8aer, that's pretty weird. multiple levels of NAT *should* still be transparent to the end device
<cy8aer> yep (german) FritzBox -> EdgeRouter X -> Mac
<cy8aer> And the NAT stuff on the EdgeRouter is straight forward...
<cy8aer> But I can connect the Mac to the outer FritzBox itself and then it works.
<opticron> but other traffic works just fine? it's only the apple traffic that's an issue?
<cy8aer> Yes I do not have any problems in my setup.
<cy8aer> When I have time I will sniff a bit around there.
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