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<chadmed> ashi, onethirtyfive: be sure to update m1n1 stage 2 with the devicetrees from the kernel branch youre trying to build. the gpu stuff is not in the release branch of m1n1 yet either so unless youre brave and willing to build out of tree m1n1s then youre best off just waiting
<chadmed> dcp works with m1n1 1.1.8 though
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<ashi> chamed: I am on m1n1 1.1.8 (1st stage) updated with the 0.5 installer, m1n1 stage2 compiled from the lina/gpu-wip branch. and included dtb from the kernel
<ashi> Did that for a while to test various features, but with dcp I never succeeded
<ashi> will try to build without asahi_drm and see if dcp works then
<mps> ashi: I'm on m1pro and old m1n1 (3 months iirc) in stage1, and gpu works fine with m1n1 stage2 built from git
<ashi> mps: on m2?
<mps> no, m1pro
<ashi> mps: I am on m2, which should work since a few days, but I could not ger it working yet
<mps> ashi: ah, I missed that you are working on m2
* mps shouldn't speak before morning coffee
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<Glanzmann> jannau: Thank you for the xorg config. I think it works.
<Glanzmann> Ry_Darcy: I have not seen the message from the day before yesterday. But the one from yesterday. Great that it works for me.
<Glanzmann> I have not yet build a deb package for the gpu kernel. Mainly because I have not got it running for myself.
<Glanzmann> I guess on the mini it works, like Ry_Darcy reported. But on the macbook air, I have no wifi due to the statically linked kernel config from alyssa.
<Glanzmann> mps: Do you have a kernel config for the gpu with models, where the gpu and wifi works?
<mps> Glanzmann: yes
<mps> give me few minutes to post it
<mps> Glanzmann: kernel config is here
<mps> Glanzmann: but with latest gpu branch with commit id f9c7334caaa6c85f4ef1c920198e248630493004 xorg doesn't work, i.e. X starts but screen is blank
<Glanzmann> mps: I see, thanks.
<mps> Glanzmann: with kernel commit 27d79d80656aaa55aad6473076cd2c7974cab5e5 it works fine
<Glanzmann> mps: Thank you. I'll try, if I get it to work and report back.
<mps> Glanzmann: no, I will look further when I finish my $day_work (if I manage all I have to do today)
<mps> s/no/np/
<mps> ( I really need to consolidate my local git repo)
<Glanzmann> mps: :-) I also had a very busy week.
<chadmed> x11 is known to be broken with the gpu driver. the driver is not done yet.
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<ashi> oh wow, DCP and apple_drm work on m2 air now with the latest gpu branches, I took my previous (freezing) kernel config and just disabled asahi_drm
<ashi> I wonder why it did not work before. so now I am even more curious why the rust drm driver does not work. I compliled it in, as a module I get unresolved symbols... did you build it as a module or compiled in?
<ashi> but - cool, backlight control :)
<Glanzmann> ashi: It is a moving target and there a lot of bugs in the current asahi branch which requires to load kernel modules in certain orders so that they work. Anyway, we just have to wait for christmas. Maybe we get a gpu present under the tree. If not this year, maybe next year.
<Glanzmann> ashi: Yeah, brightness control is nice and annoyting. I stil have the version where it resets the display to the old value and I have to manually adjust it. :-)
<mps> with the latest commit in gpu kernel branch I've got a lot of '406400000.gpu: [File 11]: IOCTL: submit failed! (submission ID: 2890 err: EINVAL)' when start X. on console this doesn't happen
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<ashi> Glanzmann: yes I know it is a moving target. I was just curious, building my first rust driver, llvm etc. feels like back in the linux ~2.0 days where I compiled kernels like every few days - and thanks to rust and llvm I feel like an idiot again
<chadmed> again, x11 is broken and its being worked on. wayland is the only thing properly supported at the moment.
<chadmed> if you need native X11 youll just have to wait
<mps> ashi: yea, I have same experience, though I started with linux 1.x, and few days ago had to learn tou build it with llvm and rust
<mps> s/tou/to/
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<ashi> mps: I also started with 1.x - on an AMD 386DX 40Mhz with 4MB ram. Slackware from floppydisks. Debian user since 0.9 (the installer said so)
<ashi> And now I am told to wait for christmas presents for end users :P :D
<ashi> well we are reset to idiots from time to time, thanks to wayland, pulseaudio, systemd, rust etc
<mps> ashi: ah, my 'path' was similar to your, 386DX, 4MB ram, slackware, and later debian iirc also 0.9 - but few years ago I 'ditched' debian and switched to alpine
<ashi> mps: ok but dont tell me it also was a vobis 286DX-16 later self-upgraded with an amd 386-dx mainboard - for the purpose of runniing linux
<ashi> :D
<ashi> I did not know apline was a usable distribution, I thought is was rather used as an lxc container base or semi-embedded stuff
<mps> ashi: ehm, I forgot exact model of CPU and board, but it was something you can buy in 1992-93
<mps> ashi: postmarketOS is used on a lot of old phones and chromebooks and it is based on alpine linux, that says that alpine is very usable as workstation
<mps> also, it is very usable on servers
<mps> actually alpine is most downloaded distro
<mps> but take my words carefully ;) (I'm in alpine team)
<mps> ashi: oh, as a curiosa alpine was first distro used on apple silicon as daily driver/workstation
<ashi> mps: most downloaded = most pulled from docker containers? :P - I think I will have a look at alpine
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<mps> ashi: your guess is correct, it is because of docker :)
<ashi> mps: did some search for packages I require for use as a desktop, to my surprise most of them where in, but not all
<j`ey> ashi: probably not too hard to port them, just depends on how many deps it has, if it needs patching etc
<mps> ashi: I know KDE is there and Gnome but I'm minimalist and I don't use much desktop pkgs
* chadmed_ laughs in gentoo
<mps> and j`ey is right, it is not hard to add missing software, just need someone to create request or prepare pkg
<ashi> mps: I also ran i3 then sway for a long time but with sway I failed at setting all those ssh-agent gnupg-agent, whatever stuff and now I use GNOME with pop_shell extension for tilling
<mps> for example all packages needed for apple silicon are there already, added few months ago
<mps> ashi: because of such problems I'm still on xorg with awesome wm
<mps> all what I need works
<chadmed_> ive been using wayland exclusively across all my machines for like 2.5-3 years
<mps> well, I tried wayland long ago, and still trying from time to time but I'm not yet ready to switch to it
<chadmed_> havent had any problems at all with wayland+xwayland where necessary after ditching my last nvidia card
<ashi> for me wayland also works well, switched since I had tearing problems with i3+compton(or forks), also wayland had video acceleration in firefox first
<mps> I use arm32 and arm64 as workstations for years and GPU on them with linux are rare gifts
<mps> last x86 machine I bought in 2010 or 2009
<ashi> I use whatever has no fans :D
<Ry_Darcy> @Glanzmann Strange things happening here. As per your script, I download curl -o .config The .config created has a CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI=y entry. However, after running make LLVM=-14 olddefconfig, the asshi entry has disappeared from the .config file. Any ideas why?
<Ry_Darcy> asshi = asahi.
<ashi> Ry_Darcy: no rust requirement met?
<mps> ashi: yes, fanless are nerve saving things
<Ry_Darcy> Sorry, you have lost me. Be a bit more specific please.
<ashi> do you have rust installed?
<ashi> what does make LLVM=-14 rustavailable sayß
<ashi> ?
<ashi> are you cross-compiling?
<Ry_Darcy> Glanzmann knows what I talking about.
<ashi> I also know what you are talking about ;) - the entry disappers if the rust requierements are not met (wrong rust version, no cross compiler, etc)
<chadmed_> depending on your PATH you might have to pass RUSTC and BINDGEN to make
<ashi> make LLVM=-14 rustavailable
<Ry_Darcy> Not impressed. The RUST job compiles cleanly with no warnings messages etc. However, something that deletes an entry in .config (asahi-drm) SILENTLY is to my (Mainframe) inexcusable. Is this dreadful behaviour documented somewhere?
<j`ey> what rust job?
<j`ey> also menuconfig can help you find out why an option isn't enabled
<ashi> No it is not inexcusable, if your depencencies are not met it gets removed
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<j`ey> menuconfig, and then type / and then the COFIG_.. and then it explains why it isnt enabked
<Ry_Darcy> "if your depencencies are not met it gets removed" where is this documented?
<ashi> │ Depends on: HAS_IOMEM [=y] && RUST [=y] && DRM [=y] && (ARM64 [=y] && ARCH_APPLE [=y] || COMPILE_TEST [=n] && !GENERIC_ATOMIC64 [=n]) && MMU [=y] │
<Ry_Darcy> @j'ey Glanzmann's - build_linux step.
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<ashi> so if you are for example compiing on x86-64 and ARCH=arm64 is not set it will remove CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI
<ashi> or rust is unavailable etc
<j`ey> Ry_Darcy: can you try run menuconfig?
<j`ey> it'll print something that ashi showed, and then you can figure out whats missing
<Ry_Darcy> @j'ey make menuconfig works, with no warnings/error messages.
<j`ey> yeah once youre in menuconfg do:
<j`ey> type / and then CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI
<ashi> if you cross compile make sure you have the correct environment set
<ashi> export ARCH=arm64
<ashi> export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
<Ry_Darcy> @J'ey and then?
<j`ey> Ry_Darcy: and then can you see some stuff like: 'Depends on: HAS_IOMEM [=y] && RUST'.. ?
<Ry_Darcy> @j'ey, all very well... and then? I do see these items.
<j`ey> can you paste them
<j`ey> are there any that are =n ?
<j`ey> RUST [=n]
<chadmed_> what is the output of "./scripts/ -v"
<chadmed_> again, if your PATH is weird you need to tell make where rustc and bindgen are
<Ry_Darcy> This is working with no errors.
<chadmed_> of course theres no errors because it simply does not try to build the rust stuff if it cant find rust
<chadmed_> the build system cannot find rustc and/or bindgen, so its just disabling rust
<Ry_Darcy> *** *** Rust compiler '' could not be found. ***
<chadmed_> do you have rust installed
<chadmed_> and bindgen
<Ry_Darcy> @Chadmed yes on both counts. Why does the f**king not tell me then it cannot finf this or cannot find that? Pulls hair out..
<chadmed_> try running the rust_is_available scripts again but pass RUSTC=rustc BINDGEN=bindgen in to it
<Ry_Darcy> Ran curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh etc. with no obvious error, have Clang, LLVM 14 + dependencies installed.
<chadmed_> ok yeah if you used rustup you need to add /home/[username]/.cargo/bin to your PATH
<chadmed_> i mean its like the first thing rustup tells you when it finishes...
<chadmed_> cargo tells you too when you install bindgen
<Ry_Darcy> : unknown C compiler *** *** Source code for the 'core' standard library could not be found *** at '/root/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/'.
<Ry_Darcy> I am using Debian Testing on an M1 Mini, as most of you know in the meantime...
<j`ey> rustup component add rust-src
<ashi> already posted that link
<Ry_Darcy> @j'ey already there.
<ashi> also... you could have done
<ashi> LLVM=-14 rustavailable say
<ashi> make LLVM=-14 rustavailable
<ashi> an hour ago, instead of cursing
<ashi> this only checks if rust is ready
<Ry_Darcy> ./ -v is cleaner now... One error remains - : unknown C compiler
<chadmed_> yeah dont worry about that
<chadmed_> if you pass LLVM into make itll work fine
* ashi is curious if it will boot
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<Ry_Darcy> Thanks to you all. The Asahi DRM entry stays in .config. I am sure it will boot, but XFCE (x) will not take off. Again, all of this is strange to a Mainframer. Either things work or do not work - and everything is extensively documented. Will report back when I see the black screen...
<j`ey> well you're playing with WIP software, not a finished product!
<chadmed_> not only is the driver unfinished, but the entire RfL infrastructure is also in its infancy
<chadmed_> so yes, stuff is going to be janky as hell
<jannau> xfce should start working if you refetch/rebuild the gpu branch
<chadmed_> this is why we advised against trying to do build and test the driver at this point in time if youre not capable of/willing to deal with the jank yourself
<Ry_Darcy> Says he, when he just started the compile... ctrl+c time again.
<ashi> Need to go, will see how this turned out. For me basically doing the same on m2 led to a black screen and frozen kernel without any output at boot. But m1 could work.
<ashi> (dcp works however with drm_apple)
<ashi> cu
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<mps> hmm, I use 'make LLVM=1' not -14
<j`ey> mps: -14 just picks 'clang-14' for example
<j`ey> =1 picks clang
<mps> here is my APKBUILD file to build kernel with gpu on alpine
<mps> j`ey: I guessed thatm thanks for confirmation
<Ry_Darcy> DCP is working, with some agony when redrawing my terminal (Terminator).
<Ry_Darcy> Next stop, black screen or XFCE. Compile, m1n1, u-boot en route.
<mps> Ry_Darcy: disable compositor in xfce window manager
<mps> yesterday I tested xfce with gpu and it worked with compositor disabled
<Ry_Darcy> @mps never have it on anyway.
<mps> Ry_Darcy: did you read above my comment to Glanzman that latest kernel gpu commit doesn't work with xorg
<Ry_Darcy> @mps yes. Glanzmann reported this last week.
<mps> no, not that
<mps> Ry_Darcy: jannau| Xorg-server should work with in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ with the asahi 3D gpu driver
<mps> message from yesterday
<mps> and it works. forgot to tell big thanks to jannau
<Ry_Darcy> @mps I read that also.
<mps> I had to change from card2 to card1 in this config
<mps> Ry_Darcy: gpu kernel commit 27d79d80656aaa55aad6473076cd2c7974cab5e5 works for me
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<Ry_Darcy> Hopefully, we have some GPU activity here. Ring buffer here -
<Ry_Darcy> @jannau Chapeau.
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<jannau> replaced 30-modeset.conf with a version which is system independent
<jannau> mps: do you build without simpledrm?
<mps> jannau: yes
<mps> I build -edge and -gpu kernels without simpledrm
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<jannau> you shouldn't, recommended config is simpledrm built-in and DRM_APPLE as module
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<mps> jannau: iiuc apple gpu can't be built as module?
<jannau> currently not due to the way the way some rust bindings are done
<mps> so, I'll have to build DRM_SIMPLEDRM=y DRM_APPLE=m and DRM_ASAHI=y
<mps> for alpine repo I config only DRM_SIMPLEDRM=y and DRM_APPLE=n
<jannau> dont have to. "DRM_SIMPLEDRM=y DRM_APPLE=m, DRM_ASAHI=m" will be the recommended config for a (genral purpose) distribution
<mps> yes, but DRM_ASAHI when it become ready for general use
<jannau> simpledrm should be able to display kernel log earlier than dcp and is harder to break so it is useful to have it
<mps> yes, that is why I didn't enabled DRM_APPLE for distro, yet
<mps> only SIMPLEDRM
<jannau> simpledrm is even useful to have when if dcp is enabled
<mps> I tested it works with dcp, but kernel msg on boot are late a little
<mps> I guess because simpledrm backlight is module when dcp is enabled
<jannau> that's the reason why it's recommened to have simpledrm and dcp
<mps> ok
<mps> but is dcp ready for general distro
<mps> for any distro*
<jannau> no, disable simpledrm_backlight with dcp, it will go away entirely once dcp is ready
<jannau> dcp is not ready
<mps> aha, so everything ok is then, I use dcp and gpu just for my tests
<mps> I don't like to make problamtic kernel for distro users
<mps> problematic*
<jannau> yes, I'm just trying to tell you that it is recommended to leave simpledrm on even then dcp is used
<mps> understand, and thanks again for short but good explanation
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<ashi> Good to know that asahi_drm works on m1 at least - and that dcp is not the issue
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<Ry_Darcy_> @all I seem to be running on the GPU with my setup. As I am not a gamer or fan of yewtube, I do not see much of a difference in performance, it at all.
<ashi> Ry_Darcy_: did you compile mesa?
<ashi> Just having asahi_drm does nothing to acceleration
<Ry_Darcy_> @ashi No, I have also have problems with that. It complains about wayland-scanner not being installed (which it is). I suspect another path/variable/offset problem.
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<ashi> Ry_Darcy_: did you install libwayland-dev?
<ashi> I am not at the point where compiling mesa makes sense, since asahi_drm does not seem to work on m2 (only in youtube videos :D )
<Ry_Darcy_> One nanometre further, now "wayland-protocols" is not found.
<Ry_Darcy_> I have an M1 Mini.
<ashi> apt install wyaland-protocols
<ashi> I know you are on M1 ;)
<ashi> apt install wayland-protocols
<ashi> Ry_Darcy_: unrelated to your current problems, but which mesa branch are you trying
<ashi> ?
<Ry_Darcy_> @ashi - see here I presume that latest one.
<ashi> Ry_Darcy_: not sure but I think you need some of alyssas branches
<Ry_Darcy_> It also wants about a thousane little dependencies e.g. xcb* etc. Schnauze voll.
<Ry_Darcy_> thousand - mea culpa.
<ashi> Ry_Darcy_: you cound cheat by installing the build dependencies for the debian mesa package
<ashi> sudo apt build-dep mesa
<ashi> (of course te mesa you want to build is newer and could need more of those dependencies, or newer versions)
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<ashi> I would be willing to fight that through if I had at least a booting kernel, but ...
<ashi> No M1 here to test
<ashi> I will build that as soon as I have a booting kernel with asahi_drm :P
<Ry_Darcy_> build-dep works. Log here
<ashi> you need to enable the asahi driver still and use the above branch
<ashi> ah ok but you need to enable the asahi driver somehow
<ashi> and you can disable v3d vc4 freedreno etnaviv nouveau svga tegra virgl lima panfrost
<ashi> it was mentioned somewhere how to enable but I dont know by heart
<mps> -Dgallium-drivers=asahi in meson config
<Ry_Darcy_> I am already running with CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI=y
<ashi> I envy you for "Just" tinkering with userspace *sigh*
<Ry_Darcy_> @ashi After this (meson compile), I do not have a clue what to do... :)
<ashi> install it :D
<ashi> sudo make install or so
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