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<chadmed> jannau, qdot: we're not shipping the modesetting config fragment at the moment because i havent given any thought to a non-ugly way of packaging it up
<chadmed> (assuming qdot's using our overlay in the first place)
<opticron> cy8aer, was there a new kernel release for deb?
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<qdot> chadmed: Yup - I've been using your overlay! That makes sense - I just wasn't sure whether I needed that. x11-drivers/asahidrm as a stub to just drop that fragment? Also ugly.. but probably my preference.
<qdot> ChaosPrincess: Curious about some of that diff - 2441007 erratum (does it apply to M1?) and ARM_ARCH_TIMER_EVTSTREAM - does it *not* apply to M1?
<qdot> ChaosPrincess: Trying to learn about Asahi's internals while at it - being chained to ALARM really prevented me from hacking on this stuff, but I never had enough time/risk to migrate my daily driver to Gentoo that I understand..
<sam_> once you get setup it's pretty liberating in terms of being able to tinker
<qdot> So true! I just ended up cursing the weirdness of stuff Arch and ALARM in particular does under the hood.. especially when I didn't know what's coming from where.
<qdot> Lots of lost hair trying to get a boring qemu softmmu building from AUR, for no real reason..
<qdot> Much happier now on Gentoo (but I also used Gentoo from, cough, Alpha days)
<qdot> (Alpha the DEC architectutre)
<qdot> chadmed: quick question - why does asahi-sources not satisfy/provide virtual/linux-sources ? Just run into it building media-video/v4l2loopback (it works fine otherwise, it just needlessly installs gentoo-sources)
<sam_> qdot: we still support alpha ;)
<chadmed> qdot, sam_: is that a new thing? inheriting kernel-r2 solved all those kinds of issues when i first spun out the ebuild
<chadmed> no other ebuild in sys-kernel provides it
<sam_> nah, not new at all
<sam_> ...?
<sam_> loads of them do?
<chadmed> i grepped for it in sys-kernel and nothing came up?
<sam_> look at virtual/linux-sources/linux-sources-3-r6.ebuild
<chadmed> ohh you do it that way
<chadmed> okau
<sam_> this is one of those interesting things I keep wanting to write a page on
<sam_> we actually, a very long time ago, had "reverse virtuals"
<sam_> i.e. you would put PROVIDES in the.. providers
<sam_> we stopped doing that for a few technical reasons
<chadmed> ah right
<chadmed> makes more semantic sense but if its technically infeasible then yeah
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<chadmed> qdot: emaint -r asahi sync && emerge -auvDN @world
<chadmed> you might need to `emerge -aC gentoo-sources && emerge -ac` too
<chadmed> your symlink to /usr/src/linux might be broken too depending on how you handle your use flags. if you used the installer script then it should be fine
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<chadmed> also those arm errata do not apply to m1, probably remnants from a defconfig or something
<psykose> technical reason: portage bad
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<cy8aer> opticron: Yes and no. If you have included @Glanzmann's Repo ( a new kernel was installed in the last days. But for me there is no additional functionality. I guess it is only a rebasing. This is no asahi upstream kernel with all the cool features which will occur with the next upstream release.
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<opticron> cy8aer, yeah, I have that installed, but I'm still not using it as a daily driver until I at least have battery charge restrictions in place and last I checked the support was there, but didn't work right. I spend a lot of time plugged in
<opticron> new kernel means time to retest
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<qdot> chadmed: Thanks, that (sort-of) worked - I'm probably doing something wrong, but it appears that the priority of asahi over gentoo trees is ignored, so I had to specify ::asahi to get the correct linux-sources to merge.. I'm curious why, pretty much used the install script.
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