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<alarmer> hello, how can one compile asahi_drm properly? Can one use 1.69 rust or do I really need versions which are stated in the checker. +will asahi_drm work if bundled in kernel? I tried compiling with this config but this config hangs. maybe something is missing in the kernel config or is it because of rust compiler version? simpledrm version works.
<alarmer> apart from this gentoo works with zfs+musl had to switch to gcc though. it is nice that 20GB tmpfs is enough to build rustc
<mps> alarmer: for asahi_drm rust is not needed, only for asahi_gpu
<mps> s/asahi/apple/
<alarmer> ah, sorry. so it means that display with apple_drm should just work(tm)? if so, that's strange, i would be happy if anyone can take a look at the kernel config as I'm lost in those drms (so many options!). it would be nice to get apple_gpu working too, still.
<mps> in my config it is CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI=y
<mps> and CONFIG_DRM_APPLE=y
<mps> that is, to have GPU
<mps> but both could be built as modules with the asahi-6.2-12 kernel
<alarmer> thank you! i'll try this later, when I'll get apple_drm working i'll switch to apple_gpu. so iterative!
<alarmer> at least kernel compiles fast enough. I hope getting almost monolith kernel without initrd sometime later.
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<mps> for all my devices I build kernel with storage and filesystems driver in kernel, rest usually as modules. and I don't use initrd on most of them. more stable in case of boot problems
* mps read long ago book "Pragmatic programmer" :)
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