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<Umeaboy> Hi!
<Umeaboy> I just ported alsa-ucm-asahi to Mageia 9, but before it gets added to the official repo and its medias I would like to know what use this package has together with the sound server ALSA since when I opened a report for a package request a know Mageia developer wanted to know more about it.
<Umeaboy> Here's the report I made:
<Umeaboy> So, what do I give as an answer?
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<chadmed> Umeaboy: that package contains instructions for sound servers on how to put the sound card into a "valid" state
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<chadmed> its an overlay of the upstream alsa-ucm-conf package
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<u154s_> @chadmed et al - Is this Gentoo install guide still valid - I presume I can use EXT4 instead of BTRFS and I do not need LUKS. Any other caveats? TIA!
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<chadmed> u154s_: i cannot vouch for the quality of the custom stuff in that guide like the outreach overlay but the instructions seem fine
<chadmed> theres a simplified one i wrote on the asahi wiki one sec
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<u154s_> @chadmed much appreciated, thanks.
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<u154s> Having a problem doing a Gentoo install on an M1 Mini using this howto - at the ./ step "U-Boot has been installed. Installing GRUB. "/etc/portage/make.conf", line 30: Invalid token 'efi-64' (not '=')" Anyone any ideas?
<chadmed> the line in make.conf should be GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64"
<chadmed> with the quotes
<chadmed> what shell are you using
<u154s> @chadmed thanks for the response. Fixed, it was a syntax problem in the file. Thanks anyway.
<chadmed> as it was cloned from my repo?
<chadmed> i used it the other day and it worked...
<u154s> At the very end of the file, two words ran together. GRUB and something else. I cannot look at the moment, I have a compile running in chroot.
<u154s> @chadmed - VIDEO_CARDS="asahi" GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64" the words asahi and GRUB were run together i.e. VIDEO_CARDS="asahi"GRUB_PLATFORMS="efi-64" :)
<chadmed> ah did you manually put VIDEO_CARDS in?
<u154s> @chadmed, no, the line was there already.
<chadmed> did you copy it from jared's guide?
<chadmed> there needs to be a newline at the end of make.conf
<u154s> @chadmed - correct.
<u154s> @chadmed just booted into my native Gentoo... no network @ the mo. No /etc/iwd/main.conf either - scratches head..
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<chadmed> u154s: gentoo doesnt create /etc/iwd/main.conf by default, you have to do it yourself
<chadmed> does the wifi adaptor show up when you run `ip a`?
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<u154s> @chadmed - no, even after a modprobe of brcmfmac/brcmfutil.
<j`ey> do you get messages in dmesg after modprobe?
<chadmed> also check for /usr/lib/firmware/vendor
<ChaosPrincess> chadmed: could the lack of /etc/iwd/main.conf be responsible for why it takes forever for the system to actually decide that it feels like connecting to the wifi today
<u154s> @j"ey no also not.
<chadmed> ChaosPrincess: mine is instant. are you using NetworkManager?
<j`ey> u154s: so the modprobe worked, but there was nothing in dmesg?
<ChaosPrincess> i _think_ so? i log into plasma and the wifi is usually disconnected until i manually use the panel to tell it to connect
<chadmed> oh hm ok because i know of a different issue where openrc races NM with iwd, the fix for which is to put need iwd in /etc/init.d/NetworkManager
<ChaosPrincess> systemd here
<chadmed> try adding EnableNetworkConfiguration=true under the [General] section in /etc/iwd/main.conf and see if that sorts it
<ChaosPrincess> kk, will try later
<u154s> @chadmed - that is it /usr/lib/firmware/vendor does not exist. Someting must have gone wrong in the install. As far as I am aware, I have omitted not steps in the document -
<chadmed> u154s: can you check to see if sys-apps/asahi-scripts is installed?
<chadmed> check that the file /usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d/10-asahi.conf also exists
<chadmed> looks like dracut isnt injecting the firmware unpacking module
<chadmed> also make triple sure that if you customised the dracut config like jared says to do, you used += and not = in your own conf fragment
<chadmed> also do not use the outreach dist kernel if you can help it
<chadmed> looks like that ebuild hasnt had its deps updated in a while
<u154s> @chadmed sys-apps/asahi-scripts? /usr/lib/dracut/dracut.conf.d/10-asahi.conf is there. The only deviation from the document I made was/is I am using EXT4 and no LUKS. Otherwise, one-to-one.
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<chadmed> can you paste your dmesg and the output of asahi-diagnose somewhere pls
<chadmed> like tpaste or something
<u154s> @be back in 25 mins. Must take the dog out.
<chadmed> ack
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<u154s> @chadmed will do my best.
<u154s> @chadmed the user I created in the install process is not in the sudoers file, so it looks like I am snookered.
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<leio> u154s: no root pw?
<u154s> @chadmed I added ... init=/bin/bash to Grub in edit mode to try and get in and do a "passwd. Hanging.. one of the messages on reboot (before the hang) is dracut-pre-pivot Warning: :: Asahi Vendor firmware directory missing on the root file system!
<chadmed> ok so when asahi-scripts was installed it didnt touch /usr/lib/firmware/vendor
<chadmed> which is odd because its in the makefile
<chadmed> ohhhh i think i know why
<chadmed> linux-firmware might not have been installed before asahi-scripts
<chadmed> urgh
<chadmed> just mkdir /usr/lib/firmware/vendor
<chadmed> then reboot
<chadmed> and all your problems should be solved
<u154s> @chadmed - It looks like I will have to start from scratch again. I cannot remember any fatal error messagesa during the install process.. All of the "emerges" ran to to completion with nothing out of the ordinary. I do not have the necessary permissions to do a mkdir at this stage.
<u154s> @chadmed back to the start for me..
<chadmed> did you forget to do passwd root?
<u154s> @chadmed methinks yes.
<chadmed> add '' to your kernel command line
<chadmed> that will bring up dracut's recovery shell, with your root fs mounted at /sysroot or something like that
<chadmed> you can do it there
<u154s> @chadmed Also, I am still running the ARCH kernel, not Gentoo, something major has gone wrong. Most likely my fault.
<chadmed> no thats fine, it says -ARCH because thats whats in the .config file the installer script pulls over from the running kernel
<chadmed> hence the message telling you to customise the kernel yourself once youre booted
<u154s> does not seem to "do" anything, I still have my normal mount points. I cannot use su or sudo.
<u154s> @chadmed Started afresh. Hopefully, I am luckier this time..
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<u154s> @chadmed ran the whole process again and rebooted. No /usr/lib/firmware/vendor. Did a mkdir, subsequently did a asahi-fwextract and populated same. Now I have a /usr/lib/firmware/vendor/brcm directory, but still no network. Attached asahi-diagnose and ring buffer (dmesg) -
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<u154s> @chadmed and this - directory structure -
<u154s> @chadmed apologies for the bother.
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<MichaelLong> sooo, let's see what how my gentoo install behaves after a 1 1/2 -2 month without update :)
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<MichaelLong> so much to "my MacBook Pro M1 fans never spin!!" :D
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