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<chadmed> hm so the gentoo livecd does _not_ like the fedora kernel very much
<chadmed> main issues are fedora's dracut firmware module not working (easily worked around) and something funky with the wifi chipset and how the kernel deals with its firmware
<chadmed> that one is not so easy to work around
<chadmed> good news is that with a usb-c rtl8169 thing the actual install went totally fine after that
<chadmed> we will need to ship a default .config now though as we can't rely on the fedora kernel's it seems
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<jannau> maybe we should look now into how hard it is to repack or rebuild the livecd?
<chadmed> ill have more time once uni finishes, im on 12+ hour days between work and study at the moment
<chadmed> but yeah, i think its time to look at a proper live booting thing
<jannau> it might be enough to use an asahi kernel and an "overlay" initrd for kernel modules and firmware
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<cy8aer> mps: This looks good for me except: the standard macos tar needs "-" - " tar -xf ..." or is there a way to install a standard tar with brew?
<mps> cy8aer: macos have bsdtar by default. but it worked fine for me
<mps> I think it is possible to install gnu tar with brew though didn't tried
<cy8aer> nice peace of work and tricky 😉
<mps> I forgot to add that qemu should be run as root
<cy8aer> hm, yes, of course...
<mps> later I will create alpine VM disk image with more tools added than those minimal on iso virt image
<mps> what is default shell on macos nowadays?
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<cy8aer> zsh?
<mps> looks like it is
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<cy8aer> That is a problem if people write scripts cross system: "/bin/sh" is zsh in macos, but e. g. in debian it is dash - a very small shell with a limited set of functions.
<sam_> the default user shell is not the same as /bin/sh
<sam_> i doubt apple would make a non-posix shell /bin/sh
<sam_> on macos it is still bash
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<chadmed> apple take pride in (or at least used to) being POSIX and SUS certified
<chadmed> sh will always be a posix shell
<sam_> indeed
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<mps> bash is not posix compliant afaik (didn't used bash for decades)
<sam_> you know what i mean
<sam_> it's capable of executing posix scripts, it still supports a superset
<mps> last time I posted commit to u-boot it was related to shell and I saw that bash can run posix shell but I didn't tested other cases
<mps> so yes, I understand and expect bash can run posix scripts but didn't tested, and I trust you it is ok
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<zerdox_> anyone tried upgrading to latest mesa? today i tried pre20230821 and it hyprland won't start, asks to enable software rendering. rolling back to pre20230812 fixes the issue
<zerdox_> running latest kernel from overlay
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<jannau> zerdox: if your kernel is compatible with mesa-pre20230812, it won't be compatible with current mesa
<zerdox_> jannau: hmm.. let me double check please
<jannau> asahi-sources-6.4.0_p9 and mesa-23.2.0_pre20230821 had an uapi bump and you'll need both if you install any newer version
<zerdox_> usr/src/linux pointing to 6.4.0_p9 which is latest
<zerdox_> somehow I am running previous drivers...
<zerdox_> jannau: i am not really sure, do i need to recompile wayland or wm or any other stuff when getting new drivers especially on big updates like this?
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<jannau> no need to recompile anything but you have to reboots after updating kernel and mesa. `uname -a` should tell you which kernel you're running
<zerdox_> oh.. i can't imagine i made this mistake again. i upgraded kernel sources package but forgot to compile it and update grub and m1n1
<zerdox_> that's probably because i still can't get used to gentoo in all aspects. do you have any advices how this process can be automated?
<jannau> no, I do that manually. someone is working on asahi-kernel though which should automate at least parts of it. there's a merge request in the overlay repo
<zerdox> thank you :)
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<zerdox> jannau: for some reason i still could not make it start.. uname -a now gives 9 version instead of 6, and i installed latest mesa
<zerdox> maybe there are some use flags i need to set? except asahi video of course. i hope i am missing that kind of thing
<zerdox> sorry for my noob questions. hope everything is resolved now because i found that rust was disabled in kernel. i cannot understand how this happed again, because i was copying old config which was already on my system
<zerdox> this is my second upgrade and second time i am here with the same issues. sorry :) now i definitely learned a lesson
<mps> ah, new kernel and mesa today
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