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<mps_> ninja: job terminated due to signal 5: /work/aports/testing/mesa-asahi/src/mesa-asahi-20250221/output/src/compiler/spirv/vtn_bindgen2 src/asahi/libagx/libagx.spv src/asahi/libagx/libagx.cpp src/asahi/libagx/libagx.h
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<mps_> I've got this when trying to build latest mesa-asahi, 20250221
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<zzUzz> ugh.. I messed something up :/ I was trying to enable plymouth just to sort of test it out. I've never used dracut before -- I added `add_dracutmodules+=" plymouth "` in /etc/dracut.conf.d/plymouth.conf, and then ran `dracut --force` and reboot -- now my keyboard does not work at all ;_;
<zzUzz> I can reinstall completely ( I don't have much installed), but It would be a hassle and less of a learning experience
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<jannau> zzUzz: which OS? notebook or desktop? can you log in via ssh? for notebook: have you tried connection an usb keyboard? for desktop: have tried a different usb port (switching between usb-c thunderbolt and usb-a/usb-c non thunderbolt)?
<zzUzz> sorry, I didnt explain since Ive been here so much lately haha. void linux, m1 air, I'll try ssh and keyboard now....
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<zzUzz> I could not get ssh to work. External keyboard does. I realized its not so much the keyboard works, its that anytime the login screen deals with typing, it repeats the prompt. TTY2 doesn't have this problem. Heres the visual: ... It looks like I tried to login a lot, but thats not true: I never hit enter at all...
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<Calandracas> maybe plymouth is starting before the keyboard firmware is loaded?
<zzUzz> Calandracas: that's possible. I didn't see anything about setting module order with dracut, just module presence (add_dracutmodules+=), though when I tried to launch from grub with plymouth.blacklist=yes, nothing changes. Either my config is wrong, or the initramfs wasn't properly edited, or (more likely) both are incorrect. The firmware being loaded in the wrong order, That would make a lot of sense actually
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<zzUzz> I also ran "xbps-reconfigure -fa linux-asahi"
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<zzUzz> I had "quiet loglevel=3" in my kernel commandlinux(?) -- removed that but it didn't seem to have any effect
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