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<leio> any thoughts on why steam-aarch64 on gentoo from the package (after ancient tries that I tried my best to fully remove) gives me this:
<leio> hmm, maybe FEX-2501 instead of 2502 might be a problem, but the latter doesn't compile for me
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<leio> I THINK the FEX build failure is in it requiring >=linux-headers-6.13 for DRM_IOCTL_SET_CLIENT_NAME, but it only having >=6.8 in ebuild
<leio> don't think it'll help about the rootfs though; I did delete the old manual tries manually made fedora rootfs before all this, as it was really old, but there's no instructions on having to make a new one or anything; so maybe some leftovers still that don't let some automatic install kick in?