ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-alt to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | User-contributed/unofficial distribution ports | Logs:
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<userr> mps: no idea, `>>` also works
<userr> "fixed" the issue by passing `hid_apple.fnmode=2` to kernel parameter instead, that seems simpler than the modprobe thing
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<mps> '>>' means add to content file, i.e. don't delete previous content
<mps> '>' is clean content and write new text
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<hexchain> my gpu driver fails to probe after updating to 6.13.7
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<hexchain> got this message in dmesg: asahi: UATPageTable::new_with_ttb: ttb at 0x107fff78000 is not mapped (DT using no-map?)
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<hexchain> I've tried to run update-m1n1 and rebooting multiple times, not helping unfortunately
<hexchain> What else might be wrong here?
<jannau> hexchain: looks like an old m1n1 or old dtb. is this with fedora asahi remix?
<jannau> `ls -ld /boot/dtb` and `cat /proc/device-tree/chosen/asahi,m1n1-stage2-version` please
<jannau> nevermind. I did not realize this was #asahi-alt . The first command probably doesn't make sense then. the second still makes sense. the expected output is v1.4.21
<hexchain> this is gentoo
<hexchain> It is v1.4.17
<hexchain> oops, let me update m1n1
<jannau> please update m1n1. We're probably not doing the best job with keywording. m1n1-1.4.21.ebuild is still ~arm64
<hexchain> jannau: it's all good now, thanks a lot!
<hexchain> I allowed ~arm64 for asahi-kernel but not m1n1, guess that's still my negligence
<hexchain> also I still don't see the built-in mic (the device is a J416), is there anything I need to do? snd-soc-aop doesn't seem to be loaded by default
<jannau> only 6.13.7_4 has enabled microphones
<n3ph> hexchain: you might want to enable `~arm64` globally 😉
<mps> ah yes, there is mic now. nice
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<hexchain> jannau: I see, I'll wait a bit more then. Thanks!
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<chadmed> stable keyword makes absolutely no sense on this platform. i have said this numerous times
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