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<n3ph_> can't get steam running on FEX-2503 - `src/steamUI/steamuisharedjscontroller.cpp (669) : Failed creating offscreen shared JS context`
<chadmed> n3ph_: 2503 broken i think
<chaos_princess> ^
<chaos_princess> guess why it is not packaged yet :P
<n3ph_> because everybody has a rl as well and spring/autumn just started...?
<n3ph_> just found this in logs on FEX main HEAD:
<chadmed> n3ph_: good guess but not its because it's broken :p
<n3ph_> I haven't seen a messager about a failed connection attempt to FEX Server socket before. but maybe unrelated
<n3ph_> chadmed: oke, sounds like you reallz know what's wrong already..
<chaos_princess> you may or may not able to get it working with some combo of unsetting xdg_runtime_dir, and launching fexserver before starting steam, but it is still wonky
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