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<krbtgt> ligma grindset; turn m1 into your homework
<krbtgt> (aka paper time)
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<marcan> I switched universities 3 times across 2 countries, then got tired of all that nonsense and signed up for an online uni that wouldn't force me to attend classes on stuff I already knew ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<marcan> ended up with a 3-year degree after like 5-6 years
<marcan> the only time that piece of paper has ever been useful was when I moved to japan (though I'm glad I got it now)
<marcan> krbtgt: someone actually wanted me to mentor their master's thesis on reversing ANE... but unfortunately I don't trust myself with that level of commitment :(
<marcan> too much stuff going on already
<Retr0id> my 3-year degree "only" took 4 years
<marcan> (maybe in a year or two when things settle down a bit more I'd be comfortable with that kind of thing?)
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<sajattack[m]> my 2 year degree took 5 years if you count the floundering and dropping out of a 4 year program
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<ChaosPrincess> does anyone have pointers on how to reverse engineer SPI protocols? im having a problem where spi is essentially a byte stream and it would be real nice to have a way to figure out packet boundaries. figured it out for TX, kinda, but RX is still a problem
<marcan> ChaosPrincess: the CS line going low often delimits packet boundaries
<ChaosPrincess> oh, right, forgot about cs existing
<ChaosPrincess> thanks
<ChaosPrincess> i used a write to TXCOUNT register to delimit packet boundaries and it mostly worked
<ChaosPrincess> kinda
<_jannau_> ChaosPrincess: does the touchbar uses a similar protocol as keyboard/trackpad? 256 byte packets and a 4 byte status message after writes
<ChaosPrincess> not sure yet
<ChaosPrincess> on boot it sends something that looks like firmware
<ChaosPrincess> so im trying to find out where that comes from
<_jannau_> not sure if that makes sense for the display updates but it could make sense for the touch events
<ChaosPrincess> touch and display live on two different spi buses
<ChaosPrincess> this is a trace of the touchbar booting up
<ChaosPrincess> (only tx)
<marcan> IIRC the touch bar uses some kind of hid-over-spi, but it might be a *different* hid-over-spi
<marcan> display is MIPI, totally different story
<marcan> not SPI
<ChaosPrincess> there is also something display-related that lives on spi bus
<marcan> the tcon is for the main display I thought?
<marcan> or is there another one on the touchbar macs?
<marcan> (could be)
<ChaosPrincess> AppleParadeDP855TCON
<ChaosPrincess> that thing lives on spi4
<ChaosPrincess> _jannau_: to me it looks like alternating 64 and 16 byte packets
<kettenis> I believe the dfr stuff is the touchbar display
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<sven> looks like the NVMMU is actually the starting point for nvme commands. if i write A to that linear sq db the controller will look up TCB[A] and take the command_id from there and then look at SQ[TCB[A].command_id]. not that that matters much.
<kettenis> so it isn't really the command_id
<kettenis> more like a slot_id
<sven> yeah
<kettenis> but yes, this matches with the code I ended up with in U-Boot
<sven> the only thing that's still strange is that there only is a single register to invalidate an entry in the NVMMU that seems to index into *both* TCB buffers
<kettenis> you mean, for both the admin and the io queue?
<sven> yes
<sven> i don't really understand why that TCB structure is separate for the admin and the io queue while they share that single invalidate register
<kettenis> but you have seen that macOS does the same thing?
<sven> yeah, macos always sets the slot_id to the command_id and just uses that single invalidation register
<sven> i'm mostly just curious because it's rather weird to have mostly separate structures for the two queues but them have them share that invalidation register
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<jannau> finally a dcp crashlog, not that the crashlog info would be helpful in figuring out why dcp crashes on unplug
<jannau> sven: any idea how to handle RTKits with mixed rtkit/linux allocated buffers?
<sven> ugh
<jannau> dcp's crashlog has an iova buffer but on all other endpoints host controlled buffers
<sven> hack the dma_alloc callback? :D
<sven> Or just add a quirk to the flags
<sven> hm, I think you’ll need the quirk because you’re not supposed to reply to pre-allocated buffers
<kettenis> isn't it the case that rtkit either provides 0 or a pre-allocated address?
<jannau> I thought so. we could decide based on that save the buffer's ownership in struct apple_rtkit_shmem
<sven> true. and then just have a special flag for io memory vs. RAM
<sven> or I guess even that could be decided in the callback and left to the driver itself
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