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<alyssa> orowith2os: marcan: jannau: if we're building Asahi-only Mesa, you can drop the LLVM dep (build option -Dllvm=disabled)
<alyssa> if you don't want OpenCL (via Rusticl)
<alyssa> and don't care about GL_SELECT emulation performance
<alyssa> libexpat you can drop if you enable the static-driconf
<alyssa> which is probably the right call for flatpak
<alyssa> -Dxmlconfig=disabled
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<alyssa> one of zstd or zlib is hard required for the disk cache
<alyssa> (but you don't need both)
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<lina> kettenis_: I already mentioned this to robher at some point ^^
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<gordonfreeman> hello, I'm running macos under m1n1 for kernel debugging. How can I locate physical address of an EL0 virtual address?
<gordonfreeman> there are `at` instructions in hv_translate function but they require SPSR.M value to be EL0. However in m1n1 shell we are not EL0. Set it to EL0 forcefully then called hv_translate but didn't work
<gordonfreeman> Also tried to run `at s1e0r`at EL1 for EL0 VA--->PA conversion but what I get in the PAR_EL1 is "Translation fault, level 2" error code.
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<marcan> hv_translate does work
<marcan> ah, for EL0... not sure about that
<gordonfreeman> Interesting fact is `at s1e0r` has only 1 reference in XNU src, in `mmu_uvtop` ("MMU user virtual to physical address translation"). But this mmu_uvtop is meant to be used only in KDP.
<gordonfreeman> so seemingly xnu doesn't do EL0 VA-PA conversion as well... but then what manages this mapping?
<marcan> gordonfreeman: using the live SPSR_EL2 is probably wrong, it should use the saved SPSR from the HV context so it can survive exceptions at EL2. but at that point `el` might as well be an argument.
<marcan> other than that it should work
<marcan> of course it will only work if EL0 is actually mapped, which might only be the case when actually executing kernel code. and then you'll have to look up how PAN interacts with that.
<marcan> *executing user code
<marcan> OSes don't usually need to do VA to PA conversion via hardware, they have higher-level page management structures.
<gordonfreeman> > *executing user code
<gordonfreeman> any idea how can I drop to m1n1 shell while executing user code? What I currently do is to trigger kernel to make a hvc call to stop the execution. But obviously we switch to kernel context while doing this
<marcan> use a `brk`, that gets caught by the hypervisor too
<marcan> brk 0x4242 is an EL0 hypercall in m1n1
<marcan> hv.add_hvcall() etc to register handlers
<gordonfreeman> oh so EL0 brk's are also handled in m1n1? I thought only EL1 ones... will try this out
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<gordonfreeman> Okay, right after mmap'ing and memset'ting a fixed address from EL0, I trigger a brk. In brk handler I run hv_translate but 0x0 is returned. checked out SPSR and it's M=SPSR_M.EL0t, which is what we want.
<gordonfreeman> What's wrong?
<maz> gordonfreeman: do you have HCR_EL2.TGE=0 at the point where you translate? How about any of the E0PD bits set in TCR_EL1?
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<gordonfreeman> HCR_EL2.TGE is 0. E0PD0 and E0PD1 are zero.
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