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<jannau> kettenis: latching the firmware on as initrd breaks booting linux via grub. linux prefers the initrd from /chosen and booting with firmware.cpio doesn't work
<jannau> deleting the linux,initrd* properties from chosen on u-boot command line fixes it
<jannau> usb xhci works in linux without and with firmware (patched to check link status before setting up the port)
<jannau> how do we want to handle the firmware? appanding it to boot.bin doesn't look very appealing to me. Do we want m1n1 to to load it from the ESP?
<jannau> I suppose having u-boot load it from ESP is not an option since it needs to be available at init
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: I fear you won't have much luck getting the driver merged with sw rotation. How does macOS handle this. I would expect the HW to support rotation if it is an old iphone display controller
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<jannau> did rotation in struct drm_plane change after you added panel_orientation? I suppose this is the way it is supposed to work with display controllers supporting rotation in HW
<jannau> since you can't (yet), you proabbly have to reject plane states with rotation in atomic_check
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<jannau> not sure if that will fix anything since it would then depend on user space to have SW rotation fallback
<jannau> using the sw rotation in the driver for is of course fine if it makes testing less annoying
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: macos handles this by having surfaces rotated the right way already
<ChaosPrincess> And i wasnt able to find rotation registers by writing random stuff to random registers and seeing what happens
<jannau> ok. since we will be in the control of userspace we should also use pre-rotated surfaces
<ChaosPrincess> There is also still the issue that x thinks it is the primary screen, and tries to display sddm/kde there
<ChaosPrincess> while primary stays completely black.
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<jannau> does a OutputClass with PrimaryGPU false like help
<jannau> although ideally we would prevent X form using the display at all, might be fixed by ensuring the touchbar daemon starts before X
<jannau> I'll try to see if I can ensure that dcp reliably is card0
<ChaosPrincess> jannau: where do i put those configs again?
<ChaosPrincess> added - now it only displays on primary, and touchbar does not even show in kde display configuration
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<ChaosPrincess> and, thats an X problem, wayland sees both
<jannau> that's X config so it is expected to only affect X. it's a relieve that that works as it means we do not have to fix X. ensuring that various wayland compositors don't do silly things might take some time but at least we can fill bug reports
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<urothis> I have a weird issue with pikvm and the asahi bootloader. Some discussion has led me to believe this is related to the kvm wanting 50hz instead of 60. Is there any guides/data on how to check the logs or how to debug m1n1?
<jannau> urothis: using m1n1's proxymode and m1n1's the hypervisor. see
<jannau> if you want a less fiddly proxy mode setup you can either do a second installation with "m1n1 proxy" or temporary replace m1n1/boot.bin on the ESP with a plain m1n1.bin
<jannau> access is then available over usb. the m1n1's console output will be forwarded the first time you connect
<jannau> with `tools/ -r ../build/m1n1.bin` from the proxyclient directory you can load you locally build m1n1
<jannau> display code is in src/display.c
<jannau> but if you just want to test if it is the refresh rate you could edit the commneted display= line in /etc/m1n1.conf and run update-m1n1
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: dcp is intentionally written in a way it doesn't get card0 to be more resilient against error during initialisation. It removes simpldedrm late so simpledrm works as display if something fails during init
<jannau> not sure if that still makes sense. I haven't heard any complains lately and we support nomodeset should there be issues
<ChaosPrincess> rebased the touchscreen patches on display ones - whatever is processing the touchscreen events thinks they belong on the primary screen and so they end up on the wrong one
<chadmed> if we're going to init dcp in m1n1 going forward anyway do we even need simpledrm at all
<jannau> I doubt we want to init dcp for devices with integrated display. dcp will be shut down when leave m1n1 so I don't see how that changes anything and distro kernels will still built-in simpledrm and have large hw specific display drivers as module
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: touchbar display works on M2 as well
<ChaosPrincess> nice
<ChaosPrincess> send the device tree my way if you dont mind, i will be changing it so mipi is not done as just a hack
<mps> nice news, I could test it on weekend
<jannau> works with the touchbar display m1n1 experiments, not sure if there is much to test otherwise
<jannau> can't recommned it as video player though
<ChaosPrincess> you can grab that
<ChaosPrincess> lol
<jannau> is it expected that there's sometimes a white stripe at the top above '4' during bad apple?
<ChaosPrincess> i dont think i clear the framebuffer memory, so aside from the actual part that shows the video, the rest is mostly garbage data
<jannau> it's black but over the the 4 is sometimes a row of white pixel of various lenght
<j`ey> can someone take a pic of it?
<ChaosPrincess> oh, on mine it shows snow on half the screen for the first 10-ish seconds and then goes black
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<kettenis> jannau: the original idea was to append the cpio to the m1n1+u-boot+dtbs boot.bin on the ESP
<kettenis> but the grub initrd behaviour makes that unattractive
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<marcan> jannau: we don't want to touch DCP for integrated panels, I don't think it's even safe to do that with an active framebuffer (e.g. might break backlight aging management)
<marcan> DCP does a *lot* more magic stuff with integrated panels
<marcan> even whatever state iBoot leaves it in might not be that safe long term, it's unclear, but we've been sweeping that problem under the rug for now; hopefully we'll promote DCP to primary driver soon so we can stop worrying about that
<jannau> j`ey: I'll make a video once the playback experience is improved
<j`ey> jannau: cool, ty
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<marcan> kettenis: I'm fine with the initrd approach, idea was to just have a subset of firmware in there for u-boot use only (we can make the installer do that)
<marcan> we just need something to drop that from the device tree before handing off
<kettenis> dropping it from the device tree is a bit tricky
<kettenis> since drivers are probed lazily in u-boot and we don't want to drop an initrd loaded by the user in u-boot
<kettenis> I suppose I could stash the location of the initial initrd and remove from the device tree early
<ChaosPrincess> j`ey:
<j`ey> ChaosPrincess: very cool, congrats!
<sven> Nice!
<marcan> that is hilarious :D
<mps> heh, I expected static image and had to repeat to understand what is happening
<mps> so, mpv will be able to play videos on touchbar :)
<jannau> j`ey: m1n1 can be used as video player after some optimisation:
<j`ey> :D
<sven> :>
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<jannau> more hilarious with 25 copies over the whole touchbar
<chadmed> just hard code the driver to do that, this is the absolute maximum utility for the touchbar
<psykose> cute
<sven> looks like the atc fuses survive a power down/reset at least for usb3 mode
<sven> lets see about thunderbolt
<bluetail42> why is it always bad apple :D is this a inside joke ?
<bluetail42> I know its a touhou thing
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<chadmed> because its awesome and instantly recognisable and only needs two colours to view correctly
<chadmed> theres probably another reason but really who needs more than that first one
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<jannau> ChaosPrincess: drm driver works on m2 too. I'll send you the dt changes
<ChaosPrincess> ty
<jannau> chadmed: I found another usecase for the touchbar: you can move the panel there
<jannau> it's slightly broken though since you apparently can't have a full screen panel
<jannau> and it needs a setting to always open apps on the main display
<dottedmag> jannau: neat. sounds like something M1/M2-specific compositor/compositor plugin can utilize fully.
<jannau> ChaosPrincess: m2 dt and dcp change to register as card0. user space seems to be happy with that and uses the laptop display as default
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<chadmed> jannau: youre going to make me like the touch bar :P
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