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<maz> gah. for some reason, my M1 Mini has lost its ability to boot automatically when power is switched on from the PDU, and now requires the power button to be tickled...
<maz> and of course, I can't remember my macos password to go and check the magic option.
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<jannau> let me check, preparing mac mini for CI anyway
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<jannau> was it powered down by cutting power? my reading of the option is that it doesn't work it is shutdown
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<jannau> maz: check `nvram auto-boot` in recovery, should be "true". if not can be set with `nvram auto-boot=true`
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<jannau> kettenis: have you looked into reviving the tigon3 ethernet driver in u-boot? removed in 2011 with 029cf6b4b2
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<maz> jannau: thanks a bunch, I'll try that now!
<maz> and yeah, I normally power off the machine by asking the PDU to pull the plug on it.
<maz> jannau: the variable was already set to 'true', as expected. I'm starting to wonder whether the internal battery has died, which could explain it.
<maz> restarting the box shortly after power-off usually works, but leaving it 2 minutes without power makes it impossible to restart it.
<jannau> it doesn't seem to be "auto-boot" that stays true even after disabling the setting
<maz> ordered a couple of batteries, just to rule that out.
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<jannau> I would have assumed it works without batteries but the behavior is strange
<jannau> it is turned on by `pmset autorestart 1` and not controlled by nvram variables
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<maz> "pmset -g " indicated that it was already set....
<maz> and setting it again doesn't change the situation.
<maz> but clearly macOS is confused about the date as well, so this is pointing in the same direction.
<maz> I'll find out on Monday when I get the new battery.
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<kettenis> jannau: no I didn't (if I was aware that such a driver existed I defenitely forgot about it)
<kettenis> not sure how useful it would be, given that we thethered boot support over USB
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<jannau> not sure either. I looked for it since it would allow integration with CI systems like LAVA which already support u-boot + tftp or (uefi +) ipxe for booting
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<jannau> ultimate goal is of course to support booting via tethered usb / m1n1
<kettenis> you probably could do this with a usb ethernet device
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<jannau> yes, I'm doing that and I wasn't planning on fixing the driver
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