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<jannau> hello from 6.9
<nicolas17> nice
<jannau> maz: on which device did you see the usb-c related SErrors? I see nothing on M2 mac mini (t8112). USB is non-functional though
<jannau> fails with "nvmem apple_efuses_nvmem0: nvmem: invalid bits on /soc/efuse@23d2c8000/efuse@480,20"
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<jannau> with that reverted usb-c works but not with device connected at boot
<jannau> That results in "phy-apple-atc 503000000.phy: pipehandler lock not acked, this type-c port is probably dead until the next reboot." but device works after replugging
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<chadmed_> <sven> it’s surprising usb3 worked _at all_ the way I implemented it
<chadmed_> many such cases
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<jannau> if someone is advantageous so for only m2 mac mini tested
<jannau> includes the speaker enablement commits
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<chadmed_> are we happy to just merge those speaker commits now? the lsp-plugins patch has been in releases for months now, and we have NFP as well as proven-good last-ditch limiters on the back end of the dsp graph anyway
<tpw_rules> nfp?
<chadmed_> non-finite protection
<chadmed_> so if clients try to send NaN, infinites, etc we just ignore them instead of passing them through the dsp chain
<tpw_rules> oh interesting
<tpw_rules> do they get replaced with zeros?
<chadmed_> yeah, which represents silence. we dont want the dsp graph to do anything with a bad sample at all
<tpw_rules> i guess there's a time component is my point
<chadmed_> thankfully its very rare but if some stupid moron is for example trying to write a psychoacoustic bass enhancer and screws up the signal processing path... it can cause some unpleasantness :p
<chadmed_> (it's me btw im the stupid moron)
<tpw_rules> been there
<chadmed_> anyway with lv2 we can ignore time. we just get a buffer of samples, iterate over them and do something to it, then fill up an output buffer
<chadmed_> so all we do for NFP is check if any of the samples are not finite (rust has a nice method on its float types for this) and then set them to 0 in the output buffer