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<cr1901> Lemme guess PRIME is a pun on Optimus?
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<alyssa> cr1901: that sounds probable
<alyssa> punns are an important part of trans culture
<alyssa> i mean mesa culture
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<alyssa> These multisampling tests are taunting me
<alyssa> just when I think I've finally 'got' it.. bam, fail
<alyssa> Passed: 1/1 (100.0%)
<alyssa> .....
<alyssa> :-D
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<jannau> gah, using dcp from two entry points (kms and backlight device) at the same time to swap surfaces / brightness works as well as one can imagine
<alyssa> jannau: :-(
<jannau> i.e. it crashes dcp quite easily
<alyssa> yeah
<alyssa> move all dcp work to a worker thread?
<sven> just rewrite it in rust! I heard that way lina and zero concurrency bugs :p
<sven> *had
<jannau> I wonder if I can use out of band swaps for the brightness
<alyssa> dcp had multiple channels to help with this right?
<jannau> my main problem is that I'm trying to avoid blocking surface swaps
<jannau> yes, it has an out of band channel
<jannau> I don't understand under which conditions macos uses it though
<alyssa> IIRC it's just to make it easier for threaded AP clients
<jannau> probably, it looks like macos uses for some commands if the main context is busy
<jannau> at least a zeroed swap structure with just the brightness fields set works
<alyssa> any reason not to just do main for DRM swaps and OOB for backlight?
<jannau> trying right now. I wouldn't be surprised if that crashes dcp as well
<alyssa> woof
<sven> :/
<jannau> no crashes so far but I see some strange flickering
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<jannau> yes, it seems cause issues with with the normal swap and it takes ~3 seconds until it updates
<maximbaz> jannau: thanks for the tip, my M1 Pro is able to boot as a m1n1 hypervisor guest with virtual UART, and in dmesg [1] I see some successful debug from the GPU driver (and much more with asahi.debug_flags)! It would be interesting to figure out why booting the kernel directly is getting stuck...
<maximbaz> to test next steps, I compiled MESA from alyssa/asahi/rebased, using PKGBUILD from archlinuxarm as a base, and adding "asahi" to -Dgallium-drivers. I have /usr/lib/dri/, sway starts, but I am struggling to get gnome, supertuxkart or even glxgears to start [1], I think it boils down to "libEGL warning: egl: failed to create dri2 screen".
<maximbaz> Do you have any ideas what I could be missing?
<jannau> maximbaz: I suspect kmsro might not work with simpledrm. do you build CONFIG_DRM_APPLE?
<maximbaz> huh, no, I only added CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI=y, I can try with CONFIG_DRM_APPLE! Here's full diff compared to config from asahilinux/pkgbuilds/linux-asahi package, do the rest of the flag seem reasonable to you?
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<Cyrinux> jannau, i'm sitting with maximbaz for the debugging, after adding CONFIG_DRM_APPLE we got a black screen on boot, on the console we see the laptop is alive, but no screen at all. Any idea?
<Cyrinux> we have CONFIG_DRM_APPLE=y and CONFIG_DRM_ASAHI=y so actually
<jannau> do you have a kernel log?
<alyssa> jannau: :(
<alyssa> Pass: 41726, Fail: 1504, Crash: 205, Warn: 91, Skip: 216, Flake: 936, Duration: 12:51, Remaining: 0
<alyssa> I guess that's progress :')
<alyssa> (on macOS)
<alyssa> (dEQP-GLES3)
<jannau> I think it will work if hold the lock until the brightness swap is completed but that itself is annoying
<alyssa> jannau: :(
* alyssa stuck on dEQP-GLES3.functional.fragment_out.random.51
<alyssa> attachment 0 is unhappy
<alyssa> R16I
<jannau> Cyrinux: that all looks well, can you start weston from text console. I think there are some issues with sddm/xorg and the dcp version in lina's branch. you could test gdm instead
<Cyrinux> jannau, I'm not sure to understand, you mean you want we start weston from the proxyclient side ? We got a full black screen on macbook side / we are blind. We use sway as window manager usually.
<Cyrinux> black here mean like brighness is 0%, no tty text prompt.
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<jannau> you should be able to login over the vuart
<jannau> you could also try switching the tty via ctrl + option + Fx (+ Fn)
<Cyrinux> interesting, so from macbook side, if i try to switch the TTY, this doesnt work, until I killall sway from the proxyclient, suddently I got the tty on the macbook.
<Cyrinux> I can then start weston, I just install it, but looks like no more luck to start applications from there then.
<alyssa> are you setting LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH correctly
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<jannau> Cyrinux: you could try to cherry-pick 09cee10b3b2556f009c79112174ee8ce75deca58 from bits/200-dcp
<jannau> but I doubt that fixes problems with sway
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* alyssa would like to know how fragdepth writes work on here
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<maximbaz> thanks jannau, we managed to get it to work! 🎉 it's a bit weird, screen goes dark once tty is shown, but if we enable auto-login, autostart sway, and then exit sway, this somehow brings screen back to life, and then we can start sway again and enjoy GPU acceleration :) will try next the cherry-pick above!
<alyssa> warning: stuff is broken ^_^
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<maximbaz> so if you are curious, sway works, supertuxkart is very smooth and plays in full screen, mpv is smoother than before (we see some constant GPU timeouts [1]), kitty terminal doesn't start with some other error [2], but otherwise things seem quite good and interesting to further experiment with :)
<maximbaz> also the display output is taking "more of the screen real estate", in other words the notch is suddenly covering a bit of a panel, haha :)
<alyssa> maximbaz: I promised a broken driver, your expectactions are exceeded, woohoo! :-D
<maximbaz> that's all I wanted haha :D
<alyssa> :-D
<alyssa> fragdepth + MSAA is an ugly interaction on here..
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<alyssa> maximbaz: Worth noting that supertuxkart is using its older GL2.1 renderer
<alyssa> which omits all the graphics effects
<alyssa> the newer GL3 renderer uses ~all features in GLES3.0
<alyssa> so it will be a nice milestone but a massive pile of work
<maximbaz> interesting, makes sense!
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<alyssa> that's my current project but I'm uhh
<alyssa> 1000s of lines on code on top of asahi/rebased
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<maximbaz> that's an impressive project, interesting and complex, I hope you don't lose motivation alyssa, despite the big road ahead :) seeing even current results with my own eyes makes me appreciate contributions of all of you guys on a whole new level, it's super awesome!
<alyssa> thanks (:
<alyssa> fragdepth is starting to make a little sense
<alyssa> but not a ton
<alyssa> got the conservative depth enum
<alyssa> stencil export is still not making sense
<alyssa> I'm missing a bit that says stencil should come from the shader instead of the default value
<alyssa> oh, I think I found it
<alyssa> but now IDK where the stencil register is specified
<alyssa> Ohhh
<alyssa> I see
<alyssa> Hahaha
<alyssa> Duh
<alyssa> gg apple
<alyssa> Okay, stencil export makes sense no
<alyssa> (In the absence of MSAA)
<alyssa> that's easy :-)
<alyssa> Stencil export + MSAA also makes plenty sense, good
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<alyssa> Oh boy
<alyssa> if depth or stencil is written, then Metal will implement discard() as "gl_FragDepth = NaN;"
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<alyssa> and then in the other path (for stencil export + discard), "gl_FragDepth = gl_FragCoord.z"
<alyssa> but gl_FragDepth gets clamped and