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<lina> Oh so that's why xonotic kept glitching out and crashing on ultra! ^^;;
<lina> (I never got around to debugging that...)
<lina> alyssa: By the way, I left the multi-kmscube reproducer running all night and no splat, so I'm pretty sure the issue is fixed!
<alyssa> nice~
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<chadmed> ~30W system draw while playing maxxed out xonotic at the 14" screen's native res
<chadmed> thats nuts
<chadmed> not getting any crashes with xonotic-sdl but -glx does after a couple of minutes in game
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<lina> Umm... does anyone have a mirror of the 21F2092 (14.2 M2) InstallAssistant.pkg? It dropped off of Apple's CDN and I can't find it... T_T
<lina> *12.4
<lina> I think I'm going to have to use DFU... ;;
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<ashi> lina: is this helpful?
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<ashi> Sorry I have no idea about macOS, my M2 Air is for linux :P but it says InstallAssistant, a shell script to get the "InstallAssistant.pkg" and build "Install macOS" for macOS you can even use it in the Recovery mode in its description ;)
<lina> No, the files are no longer available from apple...
<lina> So I need someone who already has a copy T_T
<lina> But I'm already DFUing the Mac so too late I guess
<ashi> lina: Do you need it to extract firmware files from 12.4?
<lina> No, I need it to have a full 12.4 install of macOS so I can run it under the hypervisor
<lina> We already get the firmware files in the Asahi Linux installer from the IPSW (which is available and is what i'm using to DFU now)
<lina> It just means I need to wipe the whole machine... So I get to reinstall Asahi too...
<lina> Which means the beginning of the stream is going to be a bunch of waiting ;;
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<ashi> lina: Your streams are great! They will still be great with waiting! :)
<lina> Thank you <3
<ashi> Will I need stuff from 12.4 also to run your driver? I already upgraded to 13.
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<lina> The Asahi installs are already using 12.4 ^^
<lina> This is just for reverse engineering
<ashi> oh okay, I was not aware that the installer pulls/installs things from 12.4 even when on a new version. Thanks and good luck with todays efforts :) - I assume you are preparing now, so I will stop bothering you :)
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<Dementor> Congratulations on getting the M2 to work Lina!!!
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<Tramtrist> its a beautiful thing
<Tramtrist> ive made it my unofficaly part time job to boost lina and alyssa on Mastodon as much as possible
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<alyssa> todo: figure out how to GL_QUADS with glPolyMode(front=GL_LINE, back=GL_FILL)
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<alyssa> if we even can.
<alyssa> also, gl_GL_POLYGONS
<alyssa> for the fillModeNonSolid feature in Vulkan too
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<jannau> 8 GPU core M2 works as well
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<alyssa> jannau: how much apple hardware do you have? o_o
<sven> he’s competing with marcan apparently ;)
<alyssa> sven: what arm macs do you have
<sven> just m1 MacBook Air and m1 mini
<alyssa> damn that's more than me
<sven> I only got the mini as a uart adapter
<sven> and then used that to write dwc3 support. I could only use the air now
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<alyssa> GL_POLYGONS seems to hit a compute shader
<alyssa> and then the actual draw has an impossibly small number of quads
<alyssa> GPU side translation i guess
<jannau> err, forget that. there is no 8 core gpu model of the m2 mbp 13". so at least too much apple hw to keep track of the configurations
<alyssa> :_d
<alyssa> for LINES, LINES --
<alyssa> unk fill lines set, polygon mode set to lines, lines or points set, object type set to 5, fragment face 2 gets bit 18 set
<alyssa> by symmetry bit 18 of fragment face 2 is part of polygon mode, so...??
<alyssa> by appeal to powervr, object type 5 in powervr is LINE_FILLED_TRIANGLE which sounds right
<alyssa> "unk fill lines" and "lines or points" appear to be mirrors
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<alyssa> for POINTS< POINTS
<alyssa> point size is now written from the shader
<alyssa> both polygon mode to Point
<alyssa> bit 19 of frag face 2 set
<alyssa> (more evidence for the duals)
<alyssa> object type is 6 which in powervr is POINT_FILLED_TRIANGLE which sounds right
<alyssa> so interestly, "lines or points" / "unk fill lines" aren't set in this case
<alyssa> LINES, POINTS does something odd
<alyssa> point size written from the VS
<alyssa> but with some lowering happening that I don't immediately recognize
<alyssa> "unk fill lines" / "lines or points" set
<alyssa> polygon mode on both faces is lines
<alyssa> objecct type is POINT_SPRITE_UV_10
<alyssa> bafflingly
<alyssa> back face culling is enabled
<alyssa> front faces are flipped
<alyssa> we're drawing points, 256 of them instead?!
<alyssa> and then we have another draw with polygon mode point on both faces, unk fill lines, again object type points, now culling front faces, somehow drawing 256 points again?!
<alyssa> every quad in the original ends up getting lowered to its own pair of 2 draws like this
<alyssa> doing the two faces separately i guess
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<alyssa> so... two-sided poly modes are getting lowered I guess
<alyssa> thankfully I don't think Vulkan needs them
<jannau> x11 works, the modesetting driver just can not deal with card2 (or not card0) as kms driver
<alyssa> yeah that sounds right
<alyssa> marcan: may need to ship something like that for the reference distro..
<jannau> or I need to investigate why drm_aperture_remove_framebuffers() and devm_drm_dev_alloc() race each other
<jannau> documentation suggest that drm_aperture_remove_framebuffers should be called first but that resulted sometimes in no /dev/dri/cardX at all
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<alyssa> jannau: I've hit the same issue on panfrost+mediatek so meh
<alyssa> panfrost+rockchip seems to work but maybe only if built as modules