ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi-re to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | Hardware / boot process / firmware interface reverse engineering | WARNING: this channel (only) may contain binary reverse engineering discussion | RE policy: (MANDATORY READ) | GitHub: | Wiki: | Logs:
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<renmg> hi, I'm an experienced (windows and linux) reverse engineer specialized in DRM-protected software getting into ARM in the next few days as my first ARM machine (M3 pro) is arriving, are there any mailing lists / groups to get up to speed as to what asahi currently needs? I would love to contribute.
<j`ey> renmg: best place is
<j`ey> the docs/wiki has good background info about m1n1 (the bootloader/RE tool)
<j`ey> note that M3 is barely supported currently (and only M3 Max is a little supported)
<renmg> yeah i read the wiki and i saw that i likely won't be able to do anything on them, but that's fine, and it's why i intend to contribute
<renmg> spent a good chunk of time reading the code of conducts last night as well, seems that if i do end up reverse engineering a system component, i cannot do anything but write hardware docs for someone else to implement, correct?
<j`ey> most of the the people that RE stuff here, try to use m1n1 with its tracing capabilites, to avoid reading kexts
<j`ey> so that they can also contribute code
<renmg> ah, i understand
<j`ey> before you started decompiling stuff I would clarify it with mar(c)an
<renmg> yeah, I'll familiarize myself with m1n1 and minimize decompilation if I ever do end up needing it, and I'll clear it with whoever will have to end up accepting or rejecting my contributions, don't wanna put the project at risk or waste anyone's time here
<sven> the issue with decompilation is that it's very easy to end up implementing apple's logic 1:1 instead of understanding the hardware. that's why it's better to be very careful and the reason for that policy
<sven> (see e.g. all those retro game decompilation projects which create source code that compiles 1:1 to the original game for an extreme example of that)
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