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<millenialhacker> In 37C3, Kapersky researchers had a talk about a malware affecting iPhones that uses undocumented GPU CoreSight registers. Have we ever explored may be looking into those undocumented registers as part of RE exercise? \
<millenialhacker> I wonder if other co-processors may have kind of those registers too
<millenialhacker> bazad@ documented some CPU CoreSight registers also available a year ago.
<nicolas17> millenialhacker: wasn't m1racles basically "uncovering an undocumented register"?
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<millenialhacker> yup, the novelty here I think is finding MMIO mapped registers to co-processors.
<millenialhacker> *is finding hidden MMIO mapped registers to co-processors"
<sven> like the second half of the Mailbox regs for each co processor? :p
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<ArcaneNibble> millenialhacker: yeah i was wondering too if other coprocessors have coresight registers
<ArcaneNibble> you at 37c3?
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