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<sravn> austriancoder: Enjoyed your talk today at xdc2021 - thanks!
* austriancoder always get very nervous and talks too fast and misses some stuff from my notes (even if I have trained the talk 3-4 times)
<austriancoder> sravn: thanks
<cphealy> I second sravn's comment. Nice presentation austriancoder!
<sravn> austriancoder: We (almost) all do the "talk to fast" thingy. Be glad that you did not detoru or totally lost it during the presentation. Done both :-(
<pcercuei> What was the talk about?
<sravn> pcercuei: Summary: Keeping etnaviv in good shape as a hobby is though, could use more active contributors, CI very soon, nir as default very soon, isaspec fun. And more..
<pcercuei> thanks
<pcercuei> austriancoder: you didn't look nervous at all, you are very articulate
<mwalle> austriancoder: just had a brief peek at your talk. very nice! regarding the CI, we do have a lava instance running for our ls1028a boards (for the kernelCI), would it be feasable to add that to the mesa ci runners? or would it make sense at all?
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