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<slomo> hi! does someone know what's wrong with the failing jobs at ? after retrying many times they usually pass but that doesn't seem like a solution :)
<__tim> registry needs to be kicked again it seems
<bentiss> slomo: yep, just kicked the registry once again
<bentiss> should be good now
<slomo> let's try again then, thanks
<slomo> seems better :)
<bentiss> \o/
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<MrCooper> bentiss: it wasn't this bad when we started using the cache, was it? Any idea what changed to make it worse?
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<bentiss> MrCooper: see the backlog -> -> basically, whenever a tag expires, it also deletes the attached blobs, and if an other image reuses it, it doesn't have the file anymore
<MrCooper> Mesa tags don't expire though
<MrCooper> or you mean when the cache entry expires?
<MrCooper> hmm, or I guess it could be due to other images sharing a distro image blob
<bentiss> well, the expiration policy is different on the cache proxy: if a tag is not pulled for 7 days, it will expire and the cleanup will clear the data
<bentiss> so if you pull from MrCooper/mesa/debian-foo:bar, which is a plain copy of mesa/mesa/debian-foo:bar, after 7 days, if you do not pull it once again, it will clear the related blobs and will clear the ones for mesa too
<bentiss> AFAUI, it's done at the tag level, not at the blob, which is the proble her
<bentiss> e
<MrCooper> not sure how that can matter though, if the cache needs to be kicked every (other) day? :)
<bentiss> MrCooper: right now it's more like every 12h :(
<bentiss> MrCooper: yesterday I decided with myself that I would write a job to prune the cache every Sunday
<bentiss> this should give a compromise between how much we spend pulling images and not having failed jobs
<MrCooper> makes sense
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<daniels> emersion: hey, re sway ... hmm.
<daniels> as for Weston, it's legendarily not a desktop, and in fact what we're trying to do is to prune it down to the equivalent of tinywl + kiosk-shell in-tree, and strip even more of desktop-shell so it's a super bare-bones example and doesn't even try to do stuff like exposay - and have that hosted somewhere else externally
<daniels> so that would point to a parallel of wlroots on fd.o + sway elsewhere
<emersion> ah, interesting
<emersion> maybe it would make sense to have a weston org as well at some point…
<emersion> or yeah, dunno
<daniels> I'd be happy to move it out, and have separating the websites on my list as well
<daniels> just been waiting for sufficient boredom :P
<emersion> ahah :P
<emersion> where would you be hosting weston-desktop if you had to move today?
<emersion> collabora gitlab?
<daniels> anyway, fd.o was set up to be ultra scrupulously neutral between desktop envs, so hosting desktop envs was always an anti-goal, because there was this perception for a while that anything fd.o did was 'blessed' and that hosting a desktop env would destroy the ability for desktop envs to collabora
<daniels> te
<emersion> ah i see
<daniels> emersion: good question. maybe I don't think gitlab.c.c lets you register
<daniels> and if there's one thing we need it's probably not less community :P
<emersion> ahah
<emersion> alright, makes sense to me!
<emersion> thanks for the feedback
<emersion> i'll look into other options
<daniels> anyway, that's where things are - I'm pretty neutral on potentially changing that, would be one for people I guess
<daniels> (I really don't want to move off gitlab.fd.o tbh, if only because setting up CI yet again == pain)
<emersion> would ci-templates work on
<emersion> hmm… something something custom kernel?
<daniels> custom kernel?
<daniels> ci-templates would work if we had the freedesktop org secured (can't remember if we do or not) but you'd have to BYO runners
<emersion> custom kernel for vkms and such
<emersion> hmmm
<emersion> much pain
<emersion> maybe i'll write a proposal to allow desktops on gitlab.fd.o again
<emersion> if it's open for everybody, it's not like one project would be "blessed" and not others
<daniels> oh, the kernel on the runner itself doesn't matter
<emersion> ah right, VMs
<daniels> since we start in qemu
<daniels> yeah
<emersion> GNOME and KDE have their own gitlabs, but for other desktops setting up a gitlab is a lot of effort
<emersion> also… argably monado is a desktop
<daniels> Monado?
<daniels> it's just an implementation of a Khronos standard
<daniels> xrdesktop is definitely much closer to that line, but then rather than building up its own world, it just plugs into all the other various desktops
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<daniels> I was going to say that I recused myself from the decision to host xrdesktop since it's Collabora-backed, but then I looked at and apparently I didn't :\
<ajax> we did have an enlightenment download mirror for a while though
<ajax> just downloads though, not mailing lists or bzs
<emersion> ah right xrdesktop
<ajax> daniels: to the larger point about hosting DEs, i'm... undecided. part of me thinks that part of the mission focus is maybe misguided now.
<ajax> i don't know how much authority i have to determine fdo direction, certainly i'm not pulling my admin weight, but.
<emersion> ajax: would be useful to have a definition of a DE
<daniels> emersion: oh god
<emersion> :P
<ajax> hah. sort of my point, yeah. it's not like these are sharp lines.
<ajax> i can certainly see the argument for fdo staying far clear of any such discussion for the sake of remaining switzerland
<daniels> anyway, yeah, I'm at this point leaning towards the mission + environment + community having changed a lot, and with the infrastructure load having changed from per-project to infra-global (i.e. previously running the servers was p trivial but managing all the projects was hard; now adding projects is basically free and all our problems are ceph) we don't need to be quite so picky about the hosting
<daniels> ajax: I sort of see that, but otoh xdg@ is dead anyway and no-one cares enough to even pretend to maintain it
<ajax> freedesktop platform release 2.0
<emersion> my main point is that gitlab.fd.o could provide a lot of value for DEs which aren't able to maintain their own infra
<emersion> and allow them to leave github if so they wish
<daniels> ajax: you are seriously undermining a lot of time in therapy
<emersion> btw… sway/wlroots won't be using the shared FDO runners
<daniels> emersion: yeah, totally agree
<ajax> hahahahaha
<daniels> heh, I did see the sourcehut runner
<emersion> so overhead should really be zero
<emersion> ah :P
<emersion> let me know if the runner is making too many requests or something btw
<emersion> apparently just hammering requests is the official way to poll for new jobs
<emersion> (gitlab-runner polls every 3s, sourcehut runner every 10s)
<bentiss> gitlab-runners are a tiny drop in the amount of requests we have, so fine by me
<daniels> ^
<daniels> if you manage to be anything but extreme line noise, I'll be too impressed to be annoyed
<emersion> okay!
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<daniels> emersion: btw, to take this further, could you please email board@f.x.o?
<emersion> will do!
<daniels> emersion: merci! empty-lease review coming tomorrow btw, and leandrohrb is working on dmabuf-hints revision
<emersion> oh sweet!
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<emersion> i'll do the final s/hints/feedback/ soon
<daniels> if that's our biggest problem, I'll be very pleased
<emersion> naming is always the biggest problem
<daniels> so what you're saying is if we just decide the name for liballocator then we're all good?
<airlied> daniels: isn't it called libgbm :-P
<daniels> airlied: congrats, you own it
<daniels> look forward to the results
<emersion> ship it!
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<dcbaker> Nvidia just needs a Mesa driver, and the whole problem is solved :D
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