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i would, but i've yet to reproduce reliably, seems like every time i run the full glmark2-es2 test suite at --fullscreen it fails somewhere but in slightly different ways
if i run the [terain] test by itself, even at --fullscreen, it does politely say the test is unsupported and quits
but when [terain] is run as part of the entire suite, the board seems to lock up (i'll have to confirm by plugging in ethernet). in any case the console is unresponsive
(again, at --fullscreen) when run normally it seems to behave okay and it behaves okay when run --off-screen as well
check dmesg?
tlwoerner: anyway, it's very unlikely that it's related to terrain
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tlwoerner: yeah all my tests just ran the default set including [terrain] which just checks that it is not supported and skips, it shouldn't do any harm
but nice to see that someone got motivated to do some more checking based on the talk
other applications than glmark2 again would be nice, it is not as easy of course but well, thats why it would be a contribution
a couple years ago i stumbled across the same behaviour in etnaviv and it turned out it was a bug. there's a difference between running tests one at a time versus altogether. not enough something-or-others were being freed between tests
enunes: are you running glmark2 --fullscreen on a rock64?
i've never been able to get the full suite run --fullscreen and start the test after [terrain]
it runs [terrain], reports that it's not supported, then the system halts
if i knew how to enable more debugging i would give that a try
tlwoerner: I'm not running with --fullscreen, I can try that (a bit later)
running without --fullscreen works for me :-)
I don't have a rock64, but hopefully the hardware shouldnt matter all that much, and if it is a platform specific thing then it might be that it is not something too relevant for lima unfortunately
so hopefully if it is a problem it does reproduce on other platforms
it would be great to know, either way :-)
what platform do you have/test? are there other tests you suggest/recommend?
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enunes: i somehow fixed the clip_control issue. deqp and piglit results are online. now i get the depth_clamp test from skip to fail...
have to check either how to not expose GL_ARB_depth_clamp or fix it ;)