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<enunes> rellla: we have some tests that differ between CI and local runs?
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<rellla> enunes: i guess there is some issue with DIRTY flags
<rellla> what do the *caselist.txt files in the artifacts mean?
<rellla> i guess the difference is how i run deqp. i don't use deqp-runner...
<rellla> dEQP-GLES2.functional.clipping.polygon.multiple_0_viewport_corner for example seems to fail right after the viewport was changed in a wide_line test. i guess i'm missing the viewport again to the original values!?
<rellla> *to set
<rellla> though i might need to think about how to do it a bit more pretty ...
<enunes> rellla: hmm strange, so you managed to reproduce it locally?
<enunes> I tried your branch and the CI failure didnt reproduce for me
<rellla> enunes: i ran the pipeline with my fix and that succeeded, see
<rellla> do you have deqp-runner locally?
<rellla> i need to set it up here first.
<anarsoul> rellla: yeah, you need to reset view port back to original values if it's not a line draw
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