jenneron[m]: nice - thanks for the update
stll needs kernel patches for performance
at least no self built extra mesa required afterwards
but t604 still needs it
hexdump0815: just curious, do you have or know anyone with modem variant of snow?
it may work with my patch
jenneron[m]: chances are good that either my rev4 or the rev5 of a friend has one - will check and let you know, but it might take a few days until i get to it as usual
btw. wiki entries are not forgotten - they are on my list
for testing modem use pmOS + `sudo apk add modemmanager`, `sudo rc-service modemmanager start`
in case there is a modem variant
(we already ship that patch which gets usb hub to work which camera and modem sit on)
ok - thx for the hints - will note them down