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<jenneron[m]> binarycraft: also, do you think it would be reasonable to add you to codeowners of mt8183 kernel in pmaports?
<jenneron[m]> i want to add myself as a co-maintainer and to codeowners
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron[m]: Ofc
<jenneron[m]> binarycraft: i'm asking if i should add you there as well
<jenneron[m]> as i understand it will allow you to approve MRs which change these files
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron[m]: Yes, my reply is to both of them
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "binarycraft: hi. do you know..." <- You mean hardware acceleration?
<jenneron[m]> binarycraft: i mean video decoder through v4l2 apis
<jenneron[m]> it should work e.g. with mpv --hwdec=v4l2m2m-copy but it may segfault
<jenneron[m]> it should also work with gstreamer-based players
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "binarycraft: i mean video..." <- I can use ffplay to play a video
<binarycraft[m]> <jenneron[m]> "it should work e.g. with mpv..." <- Can seems to use this one
<binarycraft[m]> h264_v4l2m2m: Could not find a valid device
<binarycraft[m]> h264_v4l2m2m: Can't find decoder
<binarycraft[m]> The video plays, but with warning
<jenneron[m]> maybe it doesn't have v4l2m2m and has v4l2-request only?
<jenneron[m]> <binarycraft[m]> "The video plays, but with..." <- it's software rendering
<jenneron[m]> <binarycraft[m]> "I can use ffplay to play a video..." <- which command?
<jenneron[m]> which parameters*
<binarycraft[m]> ffplay video.mkv
<jenneron[m]> binarycraft does it use mtk-vpu?
<binarycraft[m]> jenneron[m]: Don't know, I will force it to use hw decoder later
<jenneron[m]> maybe check ffmpeg -decoders output