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<hexdump0815> just fyi: with the dpi and extcon patches from external display support seems to be working on kukui and corsola chromebooks
<hexdump0815> see the commit message for details - its not what will end up in mainline in the end, but at least it allows to connect external displays to those devices
<hexdump0815> tested to work with v6.12
<hexdump0815> just in case anyone else is interested in this - pmos developers maybe?
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<WeirdTreeThing[m]> oooh
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> nice!
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> btw i see corsola audio mentioned - at one point it did work in pmos using collabora's chromeos kernel tree
<WeirdTreeThing[m]> and then it stopped working
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<hexdump0815> weirdtreething: yes, this is what i read in a pmos gitlab issue - current mainline looks a bit like nobody really tested it to be properly working
<weirdtreething> yeah i dont remember exactly but im pretty sure corsola doesnt work very well on mainline
<weirdtreething> but asurada works basically perfectly on mainline, other than sleep
<weirdtreething> sleep looks to be an issue on asurada, cherry, and corsola
<weirdtreething> do you know anything about it?