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<hexdump0815> tobhe_: looks like we also see that mesa 25 regression -
<hexdump0815> btw. while looking through the chromeos kernel sources i also ran across
<hexdump0815> this looks to me a bit like it could be used as a start to add support for the cameras on chromebook tablets by using the raw sensor info and then running it through a libcamera stack for processing like done for the x13s
<hexdump0815> the sensors mentioned seem to be supported in mainline - no idea if it would work this way at all or if anything would block such an approach
<hexdump0815> tobhe_: with we see this regression i mean also with debian trixie
<tobhe_> hexdump0815: thx for confirming! I think the Trixie package is identical with Ubuntu and maintained by the same person so that would make sense
<tobhe_> so one curious thing I found: I can still log in blindly and gnome itself will work
<Jasper[m]> @hexdump0815 slight PEBKAC issue on my end. GPU is not enabled on the p2771 (or P3310 which it includes) dts
<Jasper[m]> Ended up adding the node to the dts, gonna retry in a sec
<weirdtreething> hexdump0815: i saw that kukui camera commit too
<weirdtreething> i have wip patches based on that. the sensor interface driver loads and binds to the sensors but it seems like the sensor formats arent being set and after that i kinda just gave up
<Jasper[m]> <Jasper[m]> "Ended up adding the node to..." <- sddm-greeter coredumps now, interesting
<hexdump0815> Jasper[m]: maybe try something more simple like lightdm with slick greeter? with that it worked for me on nyan
<Jasper[m]> @hexdump0815 yeah I'm probably switching to xfce in general at that point
<Jasper[m]> startx creates a display and tries to start kwin, but that crashes
<Jasper[m]> I'll stick to nvk testing for now until that's somewhat conformant
<hexdump0815> Jasper[m]: please let us know here once nvk start to get useable on tegra
<Jasper[m]> Will do, but it'll likely take longer for TK1 from what I gathered
<Jasper[m]> Something to do with the way 32-bit ARM works with cache (iirc)