hexdump01: oh nice :) was wondering if anyone got external dp working
looks like 6.14 actually has all of those except for the s/disabled/okay
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looks like there is a regression in mesa though. Just updated to 25.0.1 in Ubuntu and everything is borked
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tobhe: you seem to be involved with everything trying to run linux on better arm socs - asahi, x1e, chromebooks ... :)
oh was not aware that the kukui stuff went into mainline already as well - only looked at v6.12 and through the corsola related patches on patchwork to look for sound fixes and came across the dpi and extcon patch
just tried it and had a working monitor on corsola, so i looked at the dpi and it6505 stuff in the v6.12 chromeos kernel and adding those made it work on kukui too luckily
i guess the mesa regression is not related to the ext displays - right?
gotta try them all to know which one is best :)
the mesa thing is unrelated
hexdump0815: interesting
suspend is for sure broken on asurada
i get "sleep hang detected" in ec console
but i cant figure out what is failing
psci works just fine
even scp console shows that the system should be suspending
i even grabbed scp firmware from chromeos
I put this in a file under xorg.conf.d, but no dice
still loads in KDE with llvmpipe
Jasper[m]: i assume this is nyan? - maybe kde is running on wayland? :)
Jasper[m]: but if its nyan - i have given up again on the nouveau driver as its good enough for glmark and glxgears but it seems to be hardly useable for anything more complex to me
It's not and no, Wayland got stuck at a cursor for me
Jasper[m]: i expect lots of trouble with wayland - i enabled gpu accel for the xfce compositor with nouveau and everything got very slow, like selecting in menus etc.
nvk is slowly getting traction on tegra though which is good
slight complication with arm32 programs though, so that might take a bit before it works (including on K1)
Jasper[m]: oh nice (nvk on tegra)
Yes! Anything better than nouveau in its current state