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<konradybcio> No, but I know a guy that knows this and that about PEP
<konradybcio> Test test my matrix client seems to have randomly died for the past 20 minutes
<bamse> no worries, we waited for you to come back ;)
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<Tooniis[m]> bamse: my msm8996 locks up something like 4/5 times with both cpuidle and cpufreq enabled, so I disabled cpuidle to make it work. maybe you have something similar?
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<Danct12> konradybcio, do i need to make those pon keys disabled?
<Danct12> i plan to submit a v3 tonight or tomorrow
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<konradybcio> The idea is that you disable it in the common pmic tree because not every device uses them
<konradybcio> Some just really on gpio-keys
<konradybcio> the configuration is the same across all (if used) but what key is electrically wired, that's up tho the vendor
<konradybcio> from the PMIC perspective, it doesn't care what it is, might as well be 2 wires that you touch with a graphite stick
<konradybcio> (ugh, with some resistors, probably :P)
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<Danct12> konradybcio, so basically just set pon keys as disabled by default
<Danct12> and then enable it in specific tree?
<konradybcio> yes, you then only need to add the keycode and statusokay in device-specific dt
<Danct12> alright, thanks. i'll push a v3 this afternoon when i'm done and tested it
<minecrell> konradybcio: Being able to start cores via PSCI is already quite nice, since it's the really hacky part that requires changes to arm64 core code.
<minecrell> The cpuidle part is abstracted through the cpuidle subsystem so allowing other drivers there has absolutely minimal maintenance overhead
<konradybcio> Breaking news: "apparently" sony software is *not* nice (not only) in this regard
<konradybcio> But hey, 8992/4 lumias can even do EL2 with some setup
<minecrell> konradybcio: then without the hacky EL2 PSCI?
<konradybcio> Yes, PSCI is good enough to do nonhacky-EL1-normal-startup
<konradybcio> I wonder if/how cpufreq (once/if that gets to exist one day..) will be impacted by only having one core on half the boards..
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