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srinik: I heard you are the author of https://github.com/alsa-project/alsa-ucm-conf/pull/88. I'm trying this on an SDM845 device where the speaker output is connected to an earpiece, but I get no sound. Any tips to debug this?
Dylan Van Assche: ideally you would have schematics so you can be absolutely sure there are not three other amplifiers between the speaker output and the earpiece :P
Mis012: Well yeah, but we all know that these things are not easy to get or impossible to get 😉
then 3d xray of the PCB?
we've seen analog ampliers no less...
I guess scour downstream for suspicious i2c devices
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actually, isn't downstream Windows here :P
yeah, would probably be better to find the primary sources...
though I guess Windows+ACPI isn't nowhere near as flexible as device trees
in the sense of stuff from different vendors working together
so maybe they don't have a way to add on random amplifiers?
AFAIK from somebody who knows a bit about the schematic, the earpiece is connected directly to the codec.
then I don't see why it wouldn't work
speaker or earpiece... basically the same thing
maybe alsamixer decided to put some important thing to 0?
Well that's what I'm trying to find out 🙂 I'm just missing the secret sauce to properly debug this
`amixer` works, but you can quickly see over a control, there are like hundreds of them
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DylanVanAssche: Speakers are SoundWire devices these are Smart Speaker Amplifiers so when you say speaker out is connected to earpiece do you mean the actual WSA881X output connected to a 8/16 ohm earpiece?
uh huh, WSA881X sounds like board specific choice
DylanVanAssche: or do you know if these are connected to codec Analog output of EAR_OUT_P and OUT_M ?
Mis012[m]: Yes, that is correct, but I want to understand what was the reference to speaker output actually ment
srinik: well, he has a Windows (*shivers*) device without schematics
srinik: Ah I'm not sure about that, let me ask some people 🙂
so not sure how you would even find out if there is WSA881X
DylanVanAssche: its normal to connect earpiece to codec analog out, but connecting to speaker out sounds unusual
Mis012: Sorry missed your message about Windows, it is an Android device with a SDM845 SoC chi
oh, right, srinik has Windows
my bad
Mis012[m]: finding out if WSA is connected is easy, if you are able to find the reset line for WSA which is normally same pin recommended pin, then SoundWire should be able to enumerate it.
Mis012[m]: you could see them in /sys/bus/soundwire/devices
srinik: is there even only one place where it can be connected?
Mis012[m]: you mean WSA or earpiece?
earpiece can be connected to GPCLK if you're adventurous enough xD
Mis012[m]: Yes, WSA has to be connected to SWR_CLK and SWR_DATA line of codec
is soundwire some new fun replacement for slimbus?
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Mis012[m]: SDM845 is very weird.. we use SoundWire over SLIMBus :-)
srinik: btw, would you happen to know if there is ANY benefit to having the LPASS hexagon be involved?
Mis012[m]: most of the new SoCs are fully moved to SounWire now, except for BT audio
since the codecs have xtensa
*are xtensa I guess
sounds like one too many DSPs
Is there any sheet of which family uses sound wire and which is legacy?
Like since idk sd835
Mis012[m]: there are many advantages of using Hexagon... like offloading, codecs, and pre and post process algos like speaker protection, Noise cancellation, Hot word detection.. and many more
srinik: well, the wcs codecs are xtensa, so you don't need the DSP for *that*
Sound Open Firmware could directly run on the wcs
aka_[m]: from SDM845 we started using SoundWire specially for Speakers, but since sm8250 its moved totally to SoundWire and all the digital parts of codec are moved to LPASS
when you say offloading, I imagine having the hexagon fw coordinate with Linux to read songs from RAM while arm cores sleep, but there's no way qcom has the same idea of offloading :P
Mis012[m]: I meant compress offloading
Mis012[m]: codecs, like mp3, aac...
srinik: what does the xtensa core on the wcs do then
SOF currently targets those xtensa cores
srinik: well, SOF can run on various xtensa codecs, and it seems it has hot word detection at least
looks like for AAC, it only has drivers for a hardware codec in some... codec xD
srinik: Yes, the earpiece is connected to EAR_OUT_P and EAR_OUT_M.
doesn't sound like speaker out to me
DylanVanAssche: looks like headset is detected and I also see overflow errors this can be when we try to send SLIMBus stream without setting up channels for ports(as result of incorrect mixer settings) let me share my mixer settings
No amplifiers or other ICs are between the earpiece speaker and these connections
srinik: Yes, I got the headset mic working with your PR, but not the speakers of the headset
DylanVanAssche: its pretty much from the ucm, headset speakers should also work.. Let dig in my amixer settings
srinik: CDC_IF RX0 MUX, CDC_IF RX1 MUX, and SLIM_0_RX Channels cannot be found, do we miss a config?
DylanVanAssche: pl ingore them I think these are part of downstream mixers..
DylanVanAssche: do you hear anything on headset?
srinik: do you think it would make sense to port SOF to hexagon then?
and add sw aac etcdecoders
Mis012[m]: That would be Nice :-) did you know that Qualcomm upgraded Audio firmwares on Hexagon to AudioReach framework which is data driven model, that means you can use ASoC topology to load graphs on the DSP. All the new releases are based on it.
srinik: No, I get the same error I had before (tried all devices of the card): https://termbin.com/1b55
srinik: can it be retrofitted to the old drivers or no luck?
DylanVanAssche: that should have worked.. do you get any overflow errors?
srinik: Yes: https://termbin.com/r118 I have to go for a few hours, I will see the messages appear later on
DylanVanAssche: is it that same situation with earpiece?? you can also try to set 'RX1 Digital Volume' mixer
DylanVanAssche: that overflow message should be the last one i guess.
DylanVanAssche: tbh, vkoul tested these mixers few days back am guessing there is something else that we are missing..
DylanVanAssche: if you trying to set mixers thru amixer, pls try amixer -C0 (if card 0 is your sound card)
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srinik: DylanVanAssche: the SHIFT6mq in question has the speaker codec connected via QUATERNARY_MI2S, I don't think the WCD codec is involved at all. For the op6 and poco F1 we route it to MultiMedia1
downstream seems to use AIF1_PB on wcd934x for headphones and AIF4_PB for earpiece, I'm not sure how to reflect that properly on mainline, it would require some specific kernel configuration?
the way I have it sort-of working on op6 is a big mess
calebccff: vkoul srinik Ah the speaker output of the WCD codec is not the earpiece? I wasn't aware.
Indeed, the main speaker is connected to QUATERNARY_MI2S on the SHIFT 6mq.
it would be a lot easier if we could all just look at the schematics together ;)
Mis012: Blame NDAs 😉 even I don't have the schematics
SHIFT6mq sounds familliar, I almost feel like I might have seen the schematics at some point... that would be embarassing wouldn't it xD
could be a false memory though
Mis012[m] I deem that unlikely
calebccff: we defintitely discussed *something* about it
or was it just me getting it confused with other devices that we discussed :P
I should probably consider writing things down...
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