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<Marijn[m]> aka_: can you stop with this nonsense? I keep receiving mentions that you are complaining about me and asking about the 8976 patch situation behind my back, in channels I'm not a member. How can I possibly answer your questions if you don't directly ask me, preferably in this channel?
<aka_[m]> so in short:
<aka_[m]> on which parts are you working on?
<Marijn[m]> Now that's a question I can answer: reviving a re-send of the 8976 base DT, pmics, and Sony Loire platform akin to what Angelo sent but never got merged
<Marijn[m]> With his authorship, of course ;) ;)
<Marijn[m]> I haven't done anything on the modem or remoteprocs. We have bcm wifi so you're free to look into that
<Marijn[m]> Into wcn*
<aka_[m]> what about pll support,maybe some fixes to already upstreamed drivers like gcc or pinctrl.
<calebccff> bamse: I'm not sure if you've seen my PRs to, I'm trying to expand qmic to support more complicated messages for full QMI modem support
<calebccff> there are 3 C code generators I'm currently aware of that let you encode and decode QMI packets into structs, they're used in libqmi, uqmi and qmic. I've established that avoiding glib for an Android HAL is sensible, and the uqmi generator is written in perl and uses custom openwrt libraries
<calebccff> so QMIC seems like a sensible approach, although it does mean converting the JSON QMI definitions into the QMIC IDL format, I don't think that's too difficult.
<calebccff> I just wanted to check if you're ok with adding support for nested structs and pointers/dynamic arrays, I don't think generating the code to serialise/deserialise them will be too bad
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