calebccff: nvm looks like you already tried fixing it to 0x8e00000 but it should be 0x8e000000 instead
pespin has joined #linux-msm
sibis: urgh the zero!! no way >,< thanks for catching that I'll give it a go
sibis: that got me further, now a later call to xfer_ownership fails... followed shortly by rmtfs causing a stall: https://p.calebs.dev/440bfa@raw
calebccff: havn't seen a device in the wild that just rejects that smc call with that particular set of params... what was the last working kernel that pixel 3 was tested on?
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sibis: 5.17 iirc, however I don't know if anyone had wifi working
calebccff: Can't really find any valid diff between lnext and 5.17 that could cause this ...
sibis: welp, I had commented out one of the calls and didn't notice i hadn't reverted that change, sorry!
Modem boots now but immediately crashes, over and over again