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no feedeback on my proposal, so I will just remove prebuilt files from Audioreach
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krzk, I see a lot of 'undefined sink widget/stream' and 'undefined source widget/stream' messages. Is it expected?
krzk, also, why some of the topologies are not uploaded to linux-firmware?
Is sm8250 topology being used / useful? (IIRC RB5 works w/o topology)
krzk, why Yoga-Slim7z isn't in the subdir?
lumag: messages are expected
lumag: not uploaded because no one did it :)
lumag: sm8250: don't remember
krzk, why do we see those messages? Is it possible to suppress them?
I mean, it would be nice to error out on all warnings / errors
lumag: I was once investigating but I think the answer was that this depends on some external stuff once gets loaded
lumag: yeah, would be nice
lumag: Yoga not in subdir of lenovo? Not sure, that is how it was added. Probably hardware number was not known?
subdir of lenovo, but not the model subdir
yep, exactly, maybe model is not known?
feel free to correct it
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