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<aka_[m]> Which way of handling i2c device init is better?
<aka_[m]> Keep adding compatibles for each device or use fwloader to load .bin file and reading u8 of it parsing pair of reg,value or adding init-seqs under dts in pairs?
<aka_[m]> i feel like DT is best for it but not sure
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<flamingradian[m]> is it too big for the driver?
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<Pan[m]> <Pan[m]> "Okay, aparently on elish only..." <- slpi fails to load on sm8150 (nabu, vayu) and sm8250 devices (xiaomi-lmi), did you had to do anything related to it to get it working?, or is it something about xiaomi messing with the firmware in a way manline can't load it
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<flamingradian[m]> Pan: oh, uh there was a missing sleepstate node in smp2p that caused crashes every 10 sec
<Pan[m]> flamingradian[m]: oh, could you point me into that?
<flamingradian[m]> probably isn't an applicable fix if the crashing happens while connecting, but an example is here:
<flamingradian[m]> looking at your dmesg again, it could have something to do with `qmi_decode_string_elem: String len 128 >= Max Len 65`
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<Pan[m]> <flamingradian[m]> "looking at your dmesg again..." <- yeah, every of the devices i saw have the same error but with different values
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