Which way of handling i2c device init is better?
Keep adding compatibles for each device or use fwloader to load .bin file and reading u8 of it parsing pair of reg,value or adding init-seqs under dts in pairs?
i feel like DT is best for it but not sure
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is it too big for the driver?
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<Pan[m]> "Okay, aparently on elish only..." <- slpi fails to load on sm8150 (nabu, vayu) and sm8250 devices (xiaomi-lmi), did you had to do anything related to it to get it working?, or is it something about xiaomi messing with the firmware in a way manline can't load it
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Pan: oh, uh there was a missing sleepstate node in smp2p that caused crashes every 10 sec
flamingradian[m]: oh, could you point me into that?