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<junari> jernej: I meant that in the h616_ddr3 mentions the JEDEC specifications. And maybe I should first find these specifications for the LPDDR3 memory, find the datasheet, and not use boot0 reverse engineering
<junari> I haven't run into DRAM timings yet
<junari> apritzel: my tvbox needs voltage adjustment for RAM. Someone is adding AXP313 support to the u-boot?
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<apritzel> warpme: something like that, though this whole sunxi_board_init() function is pretty horrible, and only seems to get worse. I rewrote this the other day, without #ifdefs, so this would need to go first.
<apritzel> junari_: I didn't have much luck so far with directly adopting official JEDEC timings (except for the much simpler F1C100s). I guess some other parameters are not set up correctly, so AW just went on with some values that work (TM).
<apritzel> junari_: what you should do instead is to calculate *back* the current cycle counts into nanoseconds, then use that.
<apritzel> Then we can have a look what is JEDEC compliant, and what is not. See h6_ddr3_1333.c for an example.
junari_ is now known as junari
<apritzel> junari: this is one of the better cases, here the JEDEC timings actually worked:
<junari> apritzel: I think I understand in general. Will try in the next few days
<apritzel> junari: thanks!
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<warpme> junari: i just returned back from few days out of home and see some Qs in irc logs. Answering Q regarding lpddr3 code in uboot: i'm bit loaded with bug fixing of my 2 distros - so i'm a bit low with time to work on lpddr3 in uboot - so pls go ahead with uboot
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