alright so, i'm lauren, it/she, i have a xiaomi-land, and i'd love to port pmos to it. not that much familiar with device porting or pmos, but pretty much with alpine
<lnl> "alright so, i'm lauren, it/she..." <- pretty sure there's already pmos for land.. :P
there was someone on wiki and that's basically it
i was working on land a bit
doesn't really do much currently
it's very close to santoni/any other 8937 xiaomi anyways
oh btw battery has been replaced
can confirm, phone now works fine
i am playing talking angela just because it's a cursed game and apparently that's all i have
ah yes the land battery
i've had it replaced 2 or 3 times while it was still on the 2 year warranty xD
santoni =))
this is the first time the battery got replaced, i've been using the same battery for 6 years straight
i guess it depends on which batch
my land still has the og battery
it's all wrinkly but still works
btw what happened to your battery, does it just do the power cut randomly?
<jojo_autoboy[m]> "i was working on land a bit..." <- > <@jojo_autoboy:matrix.org> i was working on land a bit
> doesn't really do much currently
i mean, i've tried compiling the lineage kernel and it literally dies instantly when the usb gadget network receives a tcp/udp packet
because that was my case, it got worse and worse then i can't boot to recovery
Danct12[m]: that and then growing inside
oh i mean it was just dying more randomly and not that often, more like, when going outside while it's cold
lnl: oh never tried downstream as that's pretty much just a waste of time
> growing inside
stop using samsung charger 😂 😂
...also yesterday i destroyed the cable to the side buttons
lnl: for me it happens anywhere, after i replaced the screen
actually, it started a little bit after replaced screen, then it got worse and worse
oh yeah, i think downstream has some battery current adjustment so that if the battery isn't that good it slows down and stuff
i noticed that with a dying battery if i turn on flash light and then i turn screen brightness all the way up, the flashlight dies
<lnl> "i've had it replaced 2 or 3..." <- just curious, this appears to be in europe? typically it's 1 year warranty for most phones
unless it's an apple product and covered by applecare
in eu it's typically 2 years manufacturer warranty on phones
PL also has a 2 years law-required from the seller, if you use a different word for it, though i think it's not an EU thing