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Shigenta[m] has joined #msm8937-mainline
<Shigenta[m]> barni2000: can i currently build mainline for santoni and boot it with ui and stuff?
<barni2000[m]> You can, i only not uploaded the panel compatible change
<Shigenta[m]> okay
<barni2000[m]> Change it to "xiaomi,santoni-panel"
<barni2000[m]> And build an lk2nd with clock pr
<barni2000[m]> The device dt is merged now
<Shigenta[m]> wait, which kernel branch and repo should i use to build?
<barni2000[m]> My repo, ugglite-6.10 branch
<semfault[m]> Has anyone gotten rolex to boot?
<barni2000[m]> Yes lanik but rolex is like riva only fg and charger are different
<barni2000[m]> I dont have rolex so i dont ported it
<Shigenta[m]> <barni2000[m]> "Change it to "xiaomi,santoni-..." <- line 160 in santoni dts?
<Shigenta[m]> line before is "panel@0 {" so ig yes
<barni2000[m]> Wait i have forgot to upload panel drivers also
<semfault[m]> <barni2000[m]> "Yes lanik but rolex is like riva..." <- Lanik's dts has a different panel compatible from my panel the last time I checked it
<Shigenta[m]> <barni2000[m]> "Wait i have forgot to upload..." <- 🥸
<barni2000[m]> Check msm89x7/linux-panel-drivers repo
<barni2000[m]> Shigenta[m]: I have uploaded some ugly temp commit
<barni2000[m]> Panel drivers can be generated rolex config is easy beacuse it will be almost same like riva's only c3b should be replaced to c3a
<barni2000[m]> Same should be done in lk2nd dt
<barni2000[m]> board id is also similar
<semfault[m]> Once I get my rolex battery I'll try booting with framebuffer
<barni2000[m]> It can boot with panel
<semfault[m]> I tried booting with panel and what I assume is the right panel compatible and only tux appeared
<barni2000[m]> You need to make an lk2nd build with panel selection and generate the panel drivers as i said everything will be the same like at riva
<Shigenta[m]> barni2000[m]: anyway, what works with that mainline kernel?
<Shigenta[m]> does audio work?
<barni2000[m]> cpufreq, gpu, wifi, bt, touch
<barni2000[m]> I have not tried to bring up audio yet
<Shigenta[m]> alright
<barni2000[m]> charging can be easily added, cameras and hw decode also
<barni2000[m]> But i don't want to add more features until my branch is clean enough and it is promoted as a stable stuff
<barni2000[m]> Also there are couple of stuff what should be sent upstream
<semfault[m]> <barni2000[m]> "You need to make an lk2nd..." <- so something like this?
<barni2000[m]> Based on riva's would be better
<barni2000[m]> And you should change compatible to xiaomi,rolex-panel
<semfault[m]> Didn't notice that, oops
<barni2000[m]> ":%s/riva/rolex" ":%s/c3b/c3a"
<barni2000[m]> At board-id 2 should be replaced to 1
<barni2000[m]> iirc
<semfault[m]> <barni2000[m]> "iirc" <- Yep it is 1
<barni2000[m]> Qcdtb?
<barni2000[m]> match-device?
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "charging can be easily added..." <- possibly modem too?
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<barni2000[m]> for msm8937 modem is very similar to msm8916 for msm8940 we need to cherry-pick ipa2-lite from msm8953-mainline but it is only working with msm8953 atm sdm660 is crashing 8996 is crashing
<barni2000[m]> maybe 8940 would work fine idk
<hacker420[m]> how fast does STK run for you on 8937?
<barni2000[m]> i have only played on 8940 30-40fps on the lowest preset
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "But i don't want to add more..." <- yeah think I will wait as well
<hacker420[m]> just to stabilize everything
<hacker420[m]> so we can use one common fork
<hacker420[m]> FieryFlames I see your change was commited, shouldn't the quirk part be removed then?
<barni2000[m]> lk2nd cpufreq part is merged
<FieryFlames[m]> <hacker420[m]> "FieryFlames I see your change..." <- Wym quirk part
<hacker420[m]> comment in dtsi
<hacker420[m]> comment in dts
<FieryFlames[m]> TravMurav wants affected devices to have a comment
<FieryFlames[m]> It's kinda a quirk but it's also kinda not
<FieryFlames[m]> Schrödinger's Quirk
<hacker420[m]> ahj
<hacker420[m]> fine then
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "i have only played on 8940 30-..." <- I get like 16-26 FPS
<hacker420[m]> but it's perfectly fun and playable
<hacker420[m]> especially with the touch controls
<barni2000[m]> i guess it is fine since 8937 is limited a bit
<barni2000[m]> i only missing from stk auto enable the touch controls
<barni2000[m]> it is disabled by default and i need to go in settings to enable it
<barni2000[m]> and it also could handle gyro+accel somehow but it is not working
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "and it also could handle gyro+..." <- do you have gyro and accel sensors accessible
<barni2000[m]> on other soc but i have hack for it
<hacker420[m]> guess it expects them to be exposed somehow?
<barni2000[m]> it can be bitbanged
<barni2000[m]> there is an WIP smgr driver but Toonis was stopped work on it
<hacker420[m]> think stk expects gyro but in a controller
<barni2000[m]> yeah maybe i think it cannot get values from iio proxy
<Danct12[m]> awesome :)
<Danct12[m]> i should get back to msm8937
<barni2000[m]> can i get permission for make a new branch i would upload my wip branch under the organziation
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "yeah maybe i think it cannot get..." <- did you see if it works with iio-sensor-proxy
<hacker420[m]> there is a command where you can make it list values
<hacker420[m]> I have very little chance of getting sensors so yeah
<barni2000[m]> I have not checked STK code yet
<hacker420[m]> first get it working with phosh
<FieryFlames[m]> Does 8937/8917 have ssc?
<hacker420[m]> pretty sure no
<barni2000[m]> FieryFlames[m]: if you finde sensors in downstream i2c nodes then they have not use ssc but i think they are using but let me check
<hacker420[m]> that is if your device doesn't have a sensor hub
<FieryFlames[m]> I was wondering overall if they have SSC
<FieryFlames[m]> sounds like no
<barni2000[m]> it seems it is using ssc
<barni2000[m]> msm8916 last what is not
<barni2000[m]> * msm8916 is the last what
<FieryFlames[m]> I don't see SSC mentioned in the product brief for 8917
<barni2000[m]> it is 8937
<barni2000[m]> but i don't see any sensor under i2c nodes so ig it is using ssc
<barni2000[m]> 8974 also have ssc
<barni2000[m]> it has a config
<barni2000[m]> they are ssc SoCs
<FieryFlames[m]> Unfortunate
<barni2000[m]> they can be bitbanged
<barni2000[m]> and we have ssc driver
<barni2000[m]> * ssc driver also
<barni2000[m]> as i see this is the minimal config for riva
<hacker420[m]> are there any msm8940/37 devices with charging in dts?
<barni2000[m]> you can copy it from msm8953-mainline devices it will be totaly same
<barni2000[m]> pmi8950_fg pm8950_charger and battery node
<barni2000[m]> <FieryFlames[m]> "Unfortunate" <- under 8996 sensor hub is not secure fortunatelly
<FieryFlames[m]> I think Motorola might've set it up securely on Ali
<FieryFlames[m]> I'm not messing with my msm8917 device yet
<barni2000[m]> FieryFlames[m]: don't think so just copy the bitbang example from xiaomis
<FieryFlames[m]> I already tried and used i2cdetect on it to check what was available, nothing showed up
<barni2000[m]> if you have sch for your device you can check which sensors ali have or you can use smgr driver for list it
<FieryFlames[m]> Unless i2cdetect doesn't work on i2c-GPU I
<FieryFlames[m]> s/GPU I/gpio/
<barni2000[m]> FieryFlames[m]: you will not see them until you don't power on the related regulators
<FieryFlames[m]> I forgot about regulators lmao true
<FieryFlames[m]> Not too sure how to get slave address from this tho
<barni2000[m]> if you know the sensors mostly they are using the default adress
<barni2000[m]> s/adress/address/
<FieryFlames[m]> SSC is always on i2c4 right (atleast for msm8953)
<barni2000[m]> FieryFlames[m]: ig
<barni2000[m]> it is soc "feature"
<hacker420[m]> minetest also works nicely
<barni2000[m]> You have tried all of the playable games
<barni2000[m]> 0AD is unplayable because it needs mouse
<FieryFlames[m]> magnometer shows up :)
<hacker420[m]> <barni2000[m]> "You have tried all of the..." <- lol
<hacker420[m]> xonotic works but you need a bt gamepad
<hacker420[m]> think there is something missing and it won't connect
<Danct12[m]> <barni2000[m]> "can i get permission for make..." <- yes
<Danct12[m]> should now have access
<hacker420[m]> I saw it report as FD506 in gnome settings
<hacker420[m]> is this just a name change or what
<hacker420[m]> or did it not work fully
<hacker420[m]> it seems accelerated to me already
<barni2000[m]> <FieryFlames[m]> "magnometer shows up :)" <- Which one?
<barni2000[m]> <hacker420[m]> "I saw it report as FD506 in..." <- because we are using temp hack for it but David already sent Mesa update for alpine with A505 and A306A (308)
<barni2000[m]> <barni2000[m]> ""; <- I have uploaded with more cpufreq adjustment and cleanups
<barni2000[m]> cedric drivers also there
<FieryFlames[m]> <barni2000[m]> "Which one?" <- akXXXX I forgot what, at work now
<FieryFlames[m]> I have bmi160 too but I don't know what addr
<FieryFlames[m]> Something on 0x1d but idk what