<ldir> jow: I thought I had - 0221b86032 odhcpd: Bump to latest commits
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#20](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/241/builds/20) of `openwrt-22.03_bcm27xx/bcm2709` completed successfully.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#20](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/184/builds/20) of `openwrt-22.03_ipq806x/generic` completed successfully.
<jow> ldir: ah, sorry - missed that one!
<jow> ldir: is there any further change required to make use of the new hostsfile facility?
<jow> or will bumping the pacakge simply revert to the old behavor?
<ldir> bumping package reverts to old behaviour, with the new option of also outputting a hostsfile.
<ynezz> patrykk: can you pastebin somewhere the kernel oops? we can then probably point you to the proper issue tracker, or simply create it in https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/ and we might then move it
<ldir> I'm sorry for breaking it for a year. The 'funny' thing is that it wasn't that issue report that made me fix it... I had noticed the behaviour at home and with a 60 minute PD time all of my leases were very short hence could go expired very quickly.
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<ldir> The hostsfile is intended for consumption by dnsmasq - and using its hostsdir option instead of addn-hosts, so dnsmasq scans for changes poked by 'inotify' - the next release of dnsmasq understands removal of hosts from hosts files and doesn't need 'sighupping' all the time.
<gladiac> I've been getting a lot of "nlbwmon[2334]: Unable to archive database: No such file or directory" errors. One every 30s. Turns out the default db directory "/var/lib/nlbwmon" did not exist. We should probably take care of creating the directory beforehand or on-demand if it does not exist.
<xback> Ansuel: Thanks for the ath10k-ct fixup :-)
<gladiac> OK I just saw that parse_config in nlbwmon's init already is supposed to create the directory. I will try to figure out why the directory was missing on my setup
<ynezz> would be nice to get rid of this "git HEAD" versioning and use something more usable, like the date 2023-11-03 or such
<ynezz> `git log --grep HEAD --pretty=oneline` makes it quite hard to follow
<ynezz> not mentioning cherry-picks to stable branches etc.
<owrt-images-builds> Build [#20](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/199/builds/20) of `openwrt-22.03_mediatek/mt7622` completed successfully.
<KGB-2> https://tests.reproducible-builds.org/openwrt/openwrt_tegra.html has been updated. (100.0% images and 99.9% packages reproducible in our current test framework.)
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<mrkiko> patrykk: maybe have a look at already open issues at openwrt/mt76
<mrkiko> patrykk: seems a good place to start for WED related issues
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<jow> ynezz: can you be more specific?
<jow> ynezz: you mean the "bump to latest Git HEAD" commits?
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<Ansuel> xback btw news about the wifi card?
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#21](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/235/builds/21) of `openwrt-22.03_ath79/mikrotik` completed successfully.
<ynezz> jow: yep
<stintel> latest is kind of redundant in there. bump to git HEAD says enough. I propose to add the commit (not author) date in the end there. e.g. vallumd: bump to git HEAD (20231103)
<ynezz> that, or PKG_SOURCE_DATE or short Git SHA would make it more clear from the first sight what is it about
<jow> well I guess the simplest solution is adding a it bump script to maintainer-tools.git
<jow> *git bump
<jow> I'll use it
<ynezz> or manual github action, creating a PR out of the box :P
<jow> ./bump-git.sh package/foo [commitish]
<jow> creating a PR would be a superset of doing the commit in a format you deem sensible
<jow> I agree that a subject of "$(PKG_NAME): update to Git commit $(SHORT_HASH) ($(COMMIT_DATE))" would make sense
<jow> ideally the script would:
<jow> reset PKG_RELEASE to 1
<jow> - update git commit hash and sha256 sum
<jow> - include a shortlog (git log --reverse --no-merges --format '%h %s') in the commit body
<jow> - use the aforementioned commit subject
<jow> in most cases this would suffice, in exceptional cases the author can git commit --amend to add more stuff to the bump commit
<jow> ah right, PKG_SOURCE_DATE would need to be set to the date of the bumped commit as well
<jow> should not be more complex than a bunch of sed operations. if a Makefile is too nonstandard to be mangled this way, the maintainer has to adapt it to the common convention or do the work manually
<Ansuel> jow well we use the bump to latest GIT convention only for our packages so i think the "non standard makefile thing" wouldn't apply
<jow> Ansuel: yeah, that's what I was getting at
<jow> it's not meant to be a universal updater thing
<xback> Ansuel: will dig in this one further today (wifi card)
<hitech95> does initramfs images support DTS overlays?
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<f00b4r0> https://github.com/openwrt/openwrt/issues/11650 <- this still seems to be an issue, are we aware of it? It's unclear from the comment if 23.05 is affected. Apparently bad enough that users are providing "workaround scripts"
<robimarko> Yes, and I have no clue why
<robimarko> Because, we are intenionally using assisted learning on the CPU port for this reason
<f00b4r0> i remember seeing something similar in 21.02 but my impression was that it was fixed in 5.15. Will retest.
<robimarko> Its the same issue probably
<robimarko> I suspect its an OpenWrt patch induced issue as I find it impossible that nobody else is hitting it with assisted learning
<f00b4r0> makes sense
<robimarko> Issue is that nobody even has a clue as to what might be the culprit
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<hitech95> instead is there any know issue on flilologic and wifi <> anything communication that fails after couple of days? (Random)
<hitech95> any error messages on dmesg. I've tried restarting netifd, enabled and disabled the wifi interfaces. only solution is a reboot.
<robimarko> Maybe this?
<stintel> anyone else getting "spammed" by Sachin Purani ?
<stintel> "Request for guidance"
<stintel> > I have taken your email ID from OpenWRT
<stintel> yet he mailed me on an address I do not use for OSS
<f00b4r0> heh
<hitech95> stintel, fortunately not, but I have a couple of contributions.
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<hitech95> robimarko, probably it is. The lack of errors make it hard to understand. on the ETH side all looks fine. its the wifi that just somehow die.
<stintel> well I'm tempted to reply with https://openwrt.org/contact but if they're lying about where they found my email they're probably full of shit
<stintel> so I better just ignore
<robimarko> stintel: Just ignore
<robimarko> I get hit with similar from time to time, they seem to grep the git log
<stintel> but this address is not in git log
<robimarko> It was never publicly posted somewhere?
<stintel> afaik no
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<Ansuel> also received that
<jow> I've just pushed a number of fw4 fixes and improvments and could use some runtime testing help
<jow> it should break nothing but I'd like some extra confirmation before eventually bumping in 23.x
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<xback> nbd: quick question, In a few hostapd patches from you, I notice you change nl80211_drv_msg to nl80211_bss_msg, as the write should be to the bss
<xback> but it looks like upstream used nl80211_cmd_msg for that? which is "more correct"? https://w1.fi/cgit/hostap/commit/src/drivers/driver_nl80211.c?id=f7f8ea0aaabbd6b3a9acf8084632362ee6d589a1
<nbd> no idea why both exist, it looks like nl80211_cmd_msg might make a difference for p2p interfaces, not sure why specific code was added for it though
<nbd> but for our purposes, the upstream version is fine
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<jow> nbd: is the following approach acceptable to you: http://sprunge.us/EAkwrJ
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<jow> nbd: intent is to allow configure "floating" routes without any specifically bound netdev
<jow> nbd: but due to netifd's object ownership model the routes need to belong somewhere, so they're tied to loopback
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<mrkiko> regarding PR #13868 - is it me or it's not clear how one may install an unsigned openwrt image?
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<ldir> anyone noticed a massive size increase in images, like 4x ?
<xback> Ansuel: I tested again
<xback> see PM
<xback> ldir: what did you do? :-p
<ldir> I've no idea :-) I'm now doing a manual bisect to see if I can get back to 'normal'
<Habbie> 4x? should take just two bisects
<Habbie> i'll be here all week
<ldir> Is that how it works? :-D
<Habbie> no :)
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<ldir> Ahaaaaaa - it's all that mellanox stuff that got defaulted to Y, so I've turned it to N
<Habbie> good find
<ldir> and it turns out it was only 2.5 times the size
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<ldir> jow: well I'm running your latest fw4 and nothing has noticeably exploded.
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<jow> ldir: great, thanks for checking
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