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<ar7ch> hi, can anyone point me to how and where is “ProxyARP” toggle option in LuCI implemented?
<ar7ch> i mean this: https://i.imgur.com/sKZs7ne.png
<PaulFertser> And then you can follow hostapd resources and/or source code.
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<ar7ch> PaulFertser: do you mean that the checkbox only results in setting `option hostapd_options ‘proxyarp=1’ ` in /etc/config/wireless ? I am aware about the proxy_arp option in hostapd… however, it effectively doesn’t work as intended in openwrt, because: 1) this patch is applied: https://git.openwrt.org/?p=openwrt/openwrt.git;a=blob;f=package/network/services/hostapd/patches/740-snoop_iface.patch;h=ce64513a421b42db9506ebf6a67f21e84ea7eeec;hb=HEAD#l
<ar7ch> which won’t assign proxy_arp attribute to the bridge interface (that is, will not write “1” to `/sys/class/net/<radio if>/brport/proxyarp`) if `snoop_iface=…` is set 2) dynamic config `/var/run/hostapd-<phy>.conf` created by UCI defines snoop_iface variable, so hostap will not write the said file to enable proxyarp on a bridge
<ar7ch> However, doing `echo “1” > /sys/class/net/<radio if>/brport/proxyarp` manually after the hostapd is started will get proxyarp working. So I wonder what will be done by this checkbox: a broken way via hostap config or a manual workaround?
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<PaulFertser> ar7ch: LuCI is only changing the uci config there so just enable the checkbox, save /etc/config/wireless , disable the checkbox and diff two configs.
<PaulFertser> ar7ch: then the uci config is processed by the shell script. Probably I was not right and I just assumed it translates to hostapd config directly, it might be not the case actually, I admit.
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<owrt-images-builds> Build [#125](https://buildbot.staging.openwrt.org/images/#/builders/120/builds/125) of `openwrt-23.05_x86/generic` completed successfully.
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