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<CounterPillow> Alyssa isn't here but I guess asking the current maintainers of Panfrost would be more appropriate:
<CounterPillow> I pointed out that I don't believe random Debian users using PanVK and then reporting bugs for it would help the situation any (in fact I think having bug reports for a known broken driver would be less-than-useless).
<CounterPillow> So someone at Debian saw "Bifrost-era PanVK is not being used." and thought they could help by enabling PanVK in the Debian mesa package. It's still gated behind the quite clearly named env variable thankfully.
<CounterPillow> Are you for/against/indifferent to Debian shipping Bifrost-era PanVK?
<CounterPillow> Since this decision seems to have been based on cherry-picking something Alyssa has said though, I am of course also very eager to receive her input on the situation, though judging by I can guess she wouldn't want anyone using panvk :)
<daniels> CounterPillow: nope, it definitely shouldn't be shipped to users in its current state
<daniels> it's got developer attention and plans to pick it up from the initial work and shape it into something which _should_ be shipped to users and which can be supported long-term
<CounterPillow> Thanks, I let Debian know that they should disable it again.
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<daniels> thankyou!
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<alyssa> "So someone at Debian saw "Bifrost-era PanVK is not being used." and thought they could help by enabling PanVK in the Debian mesa package"
<alyssa> That is an... odd interpretation of that comment
<alyssa> given it's immediately followed by not being developed + not being used
<alyssa> I don't get the general interest in bifrost vk, I suspect people have misconceptions about what VK support would actually entail
<alyssa> (It would not mean DXVK or VKD3D works. It would not allow higher GL versions via Zink. It would not likely improve performance on dual GL/VK workloads.)
<alyssa> That doesn't mean it's /useless/ ... if there's an app that's VK only but doesn't use any spicy features, then maybe panvk is enough
<alyssa> but in the (GNU/)Linux space ... I genuinely don't know of a single application that would benefit from the VK support given the expected limitations on the bifrost hw
<alyssa> At any rate, I don't have a horse in the race anymore
<alyssa> If people want to develop the driver further, cool. good luck to them.
<alyssa> In its current state at any rate, packaging it in distros would absolutely be a mistake
<alyssa> and again. even when bifrost panvk is 'finished'. I still don't know what Debian users would be doing with it.
<daniels> yes, it's pretty clear that packaging the current bifrost panvk for debian wouldn't benefit ~anyone
<alyssa> Wheeeee
<alyssa> 20:33 < alyssa> but in the (GNU/)Linux space
<alyssa> I should further qualify that as "stuff a community Debian user would be likely to run"
<alyssa> (in 2023, at least)
<CounterPillow> Thankfully I caught this while it was still just in experimental. I'm sure it was done with good intentions but yeah.
<alyssa> im just glad my life is free of bifrost again
<alyssa> midgard or valhall, none of this in between stuff :P
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<diederik> Just as clarification: The "random Debian user" that requested the enablement of panvk is a DD. I know they contribute to MNT Reform but I don't know what specifically they have in mind for it
<diederik> Then there was another person who +1-ed the request and that person is also a DD and a mesa dev
<diederik> As apposed to CounterPillow, I do NOT think they will flood the panvk devs with useless bug reports
<diederik> And I shared that deliberately in a channel where I was reasonably certain that it only or mostly consisted of skilled users/devs
<diederik> Had it been proposed while a Freeze for the next Stable was imminent, I'd have at least made a point that it was likely not wise. But the next Freeze is ~15 months out.
<diederik> And when that point gets near and it is still considered broken, the argument can still be made to disable it so it won't end up in a Stable release
<anholt_> it's not useful to users, and user reports would not be useful to us. so it shouldn't have been shipped.
<daniels> it's fine, everyone did things with good intentions. it's just not going to help anyone to ship it now; when it is helpful, we'll let downstreams know
<diederik> I do not know why it was requested and +1-ed by DDs, so I can't comment on that. My problem was with characterizing them as (clueless/dump) random users. That's all I wanted to correct.
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<diederik> o/
diederik has left #panfrost [Going to see what happens IRL, see ya!]
<robmur01> eh, "developer" can be a pretty broad brush - for instance I'm pretty intimate with the much of the panfrost kernel driver, but I am absolutely a clueless random user as far as the userspace side goes :D (even though I fixed that one thing in Mesa that one time...)
<robmur01> I think it's safe to assume no offence was meant